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Everything posted by IEAngelsfan

  1. I've been to this Walmart and for the most part, it's one of their nicer stores. If you go during during the weekend and at peak times, yeah the lines can get long, but the store itself is clean and well stocked. Customer service is lacking, but I get that at Target as well. These are discount stores and your expectations should not be that high.
  2. A tip of the cap to you sir because you're on a hot streak with some good posts.
  3. Whoa, let's not go overboard here. Have you seen some of the mug shots on this site?
  4. If every accordian and bagpipe were mysteriously destroyed and the memory of them were wiped out, I could live with that.
  5. You got it all wrong.....as Mancini mentioned, you're dreamy, not cute.
  6. I was disappointed with the episode. First, as Tank mentioned, you could see a mile away how they were setting up Harrison to have the accident. Second, why didn't Hannah, at least, put on a head scarf or sun glasses in an attempt to disguise herself? And lastly, wasn't it just too convenient that the Deputy Marshall happened to over hear Batista on the phone telling someone they need a new blood tech? Looks like the writers took a break in this episode. That being said, I'm still looking forward to the series ending and based on the preview, looks like it will end on a high note. This season, IMO, is not the worst season by far. There were 2 other seasons that were really slow and dragged on.
  7. I'm a little confused. What exactly are Tankers? Someone who follows Tank? Or perhaps, someone who is a crew member of an oil tanker? Please advise....thanks!
  8. Nothing says "respect" like a bobblehead. In all seriousness, when enough time has elapsed (I don't know how long), they should induct him in the Angels HOF.
  9. When you hear him sing it, sounds like "Potty all the Time."
  10. Okay, is Blanton saying what is expected or can he actually bounce back next year? Personally, I think they should release him and try to trade for another pitcher. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130904&content_id=59589054&notebook_id=59590598&vkey=notebook_ana&c_id=ana
  11. I agree with Mancini and I believe that players such as Schuck, Green and Calhoun are playing for next year, not necessarily for Sosh. These guys want to prove that they belong in the show.
  12. This is shaping up to be a very good season. Looking forward to next week. By the way, Hannah is still very HOT!
  13. I would have never, never, ever thought of this. Thanks for the horrible images in my mind.
  14. I believe the dead girl was Sully's daughter. She was dating Ray when Mickey killed her and that's why Ray hates Mickey. I've been watching since the beginning and I'm hooked.
  15. You have to remember that both Rita and LaGuerta both met their demise in the final episode of the season. There are still a few more episodes to go.
  16. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Not because of Newman, but Liz Taylor.....HOT!
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