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Everything posted by IEAngelsfan

  1. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Boston more...
  2. Now I know what HaloThunder does for a living.
  3. Am I the only one having a hard time understanding that article?
  4. I really liked last night's episode. It set up everything that is going to happen in the next two shows. Almost everything that could go wrong, did. It was sad how the Navy Seal got shot, but I can understand why it happened (potential to blow Brody's cover and to protect the Iranian deputy chief). Next two episodes should be great or at least I hope so.
  5. There's never a dull moment with you, right?
  6. I hate to admit it, but I agree with Vladdy. The tough shots plus the testimonies from many of the people in the grassy knoll who said the shots came from there. Ruby shooting Oswalt. I believe you have to have more faith that Oswalt shot JKF than others being involved.
  7. I'm looking forward to this and I'll be watching.
  8. I still think Abraham's character is backstabbing Saul by working with and leaking info to the senator. Watch Saul still leak the photos of the senator and the Israeli agent to the press in the last episode. I wouldn't be surprised if Brody gets killed in Iran.
  9. What I liked and disliked from the finale. Liked: 1. Agent Knox's death. You could feel the rage Eli had. It was a brutal bludgeoning, but it seemed to me that Knox got was he deserved. 2. Capone finally taking over the reigns of the gang and Eli ending up, what looks like to me, working for Capone. Disliked: 1. The death of Harrow. After displaying love for Gillian's grandson and promising that he would make it to Wisconsin, that sucked. 2. Dr. Narcisse still breathing. I wanted him gone and for Chalky to take him out. Yeah, I see that they are setting up a storyline for next season with Hoover being more involved, but I just don't like his character. Overall, a pretty good season, but not the best.
  10. Ok, I laughed. Seriously, if it's a straight trade, I'm going to be upset.
  11. Ha, I remember buying our first VHS in the early 80's for $400 at a warehouse sale. It was such a good deal I felt that I had scored big time because it retailed for over $800.
  12. Okay guys, I will be laid off in a couple of months So, if I apply with any of you, can I just cut to the chase and indicate on my resume that I spend a lot of time viewing Angelswin.com each work day?
  13. http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-mike-tyson-evander-holyfield-20131122,0,849660.story#axzz2lOJ9zfCN
  14. http://houston.cbslocal.com/2013/11/20/study-men-with-attractive-wives-more-satisfied-in-marriage/ Well, duh.
  15. What innovative idea have you come up with? Joined the Innovation Cafe yet?
  16. "I rather be pissed off than pissed on."
  17. I wouldn't be too concerned with the accuracy of this report since they also mentioned the following. "The deal at currently discussed would reportedly not involve Angels shortstop Alberto Callaspo -- a possible St. Louis target this offseason -- and also would not involve any member of the Cardinals' stable of young pitching."
  18. I think he's starting to suspect his brother and was testing him when he quoted the poem. It's Interesting that Nucky can even remember the poem after all those years. So Nucky wants out or is he just frustrated? The last episode should be a good one.
  19. I want to know what Carrie was saying when she was in the ambulance and telling Quinn something doesn't add up. It looks like Saul will be recruiting Brody, but how will he use him? It's starting to get very interesting.
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2013/11/14/16-american-cities-foreign-governments-warn-their-citizens-about//?print=1 Los Angeles: France warns tourists to take care in Hollywood, Santa Monica, Venice Beach and Long Beach, and to avoid Watts, Inglewood and Florence. I find this list a little lacking. For example, what about Compton?
  21. I think we should address Troll Daddy as trollus mvpus.
  22. What's the big deal? Anyone can do that.......if you don't have any testicles.
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