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Broad Street

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Posts posted by Broad Street

  1. 46 minutes ago, eligrba said:

    LaStella-much better than expected

    Fletcher-seems to be getting better offensively/his defense is surprising

    Regifo-looks like he can play at the major league level

    Cozart, Pujols, Cahill, Harvey, Skaggs, Lucroy (defense)-how bad can it get? 

    Why is Fletchers defense surprising? I thought that was the one “for sure” thing about him, but they weren’t sure how his bat would play. 


    Im going a different route. I never thought Bour  would play as bad as he did. I was seriously rooting for the guy (I still want him to do well) and totally wasn’t expecting the terrible play. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Tank said:

    yeah, i get that. i think he's taking a huge risk that teams will want him for a long term contract, especially after sitting out for 3 months. he'd better have an amazing 3 months the rest of this season if he wants to cash in next year.

    i don't think i'd want to go through this a second straight year. i'd have lobbied for a longer contract with the braves, who are a good young team.

    Maybe he’s hoping he can show them enough that they’ll offer him an extension and he’ll take it to avoid Free Agency

  3. Today marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, and many people aren’t aware of the key battle that started the whole thing. The battle for Pegasus Bridge started a little after midnight 75 years ago today and had the first casualties of the day. A small group of British cammandos in gliders surprised the Germans and took the bridge. Without any air, artillery, or tank support, they managed to hold this key bridge against the German counterattack, taking out a couple of tanks until the British paratroopers managed to make it to them. Had they not taken this bridge, D-Day would have gone down as a colossal failure with extreme casualties. 

    The book, Pegasus Bridge, was a fantastic read, and anyone who wants to learn more about WW2 history should read it.


    Here’s a link to give you a cool history lesson 



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