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Everything posted by vlad27

  1. true this team is showing some heart and that is great to see - let's build on this and get some more wins- an April over .500 even if it's just by one or two games would be huge considering the past 2 seasons
  2. why are these guys so stupid as to head first slide ? Uggh
  3. I hate to say this - I love Kole he is a great player but how are these professional athletes so damn fragile ? He is a young man in top physical condition and he got hurt that badly running hard on a grounder ? So now he is gonna be out what 2 months ? Such a Shame he was finding his groove at the plate too
  4. good article - i enjoyed reading it- i like our staff although i do worry that if one guy goes down we dont seem to have many options - this is already looking way better than last years rotation with hanson and blanton
  5. makes sense to have a straight platoon then - although i think the fact that we gave up PBJ for him and his past world series heroics may still give him more starts - although i think neither of those reasons are good - start the stronger player id say
  6. Wow ! That's crazy he says "crack addict" with such class though And "crack pipe" so eloquently
  7. Truly unbelievable - he played so well and now we lose him for 2 months - when he sucked he never was injured - uggh!
  8. Glad to see him doing well - watch those thumbs Albert
  9. holy crap this sucks - watch him come back and not regain this early success - uggh
  10. As a huge Vlad fan this was a very very cool thing to see today - very classy . He did a lot for this organization and it was nice for him to get to retire as an Angel . As for his number It should be retired but how do you do that with Trout wearing it ? You surely don't ask Trout to change it - I guess you could go the Yankee route and retire the same number twice - cause I'm thinking Trouts will be when all is said and done . Really should retire Salmons number too
  11. good for him - we need a very good April to put the past two seasons out of our minds- but hey today was March - let's start that great April tomorrow
  12. yep usually we do win the opener so maybe this is a good thing - ha!
  13. Living in AZ it's been a ritual that my daughter and I make hot dogs wear our angels gear and watch the game on TV ( I have the extra innings direct tv thing ) a new tradition has been added - nachos in a helmet - inspired by the "super nachos " at ST this year - Go Angels !!!!!
  14. worst press conference ever so far 0-4 and of we are really really lucky we go 1-4 if Burnett ever plays again
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