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Everything posted by vlad27

  1. glad he shed 5-8 pounds but did he learn to pitch in the offseason ? I've lost 10 pounds during the offseason maybe the Angels can sign me - I can't pitch worth a damn but I did lose 10 pounds - makes me 2 pounds better than Blanton
  2. 10 years - get it done . We have the best player in the game - hopefully he is "always an angel "
  3. I will say this - this offseason has been so drastically different than the past two - I am glad a new direction seems to be in place . I also accept that in order to get younger and rebuild the farm that we may need to ... Gasp.... Rebuild a bit for the next year or two . I'm still a fan and there are plenty of reasons to watch every game for me .
  4. I'm not down on them but I concerned that 3/5 of our rotation is unproven - also what if weaver or Wilson go down ? Kind of scary . Maybe it all works out and we have struck gold but seems mighty risky to me
  5. nah if it were a Bieber fan the word "like " would be used every three words - such as " don't send him like back to canada like he saved my life like 3 times when he like sang to me ...."
  6. To answer her question I'd say my favorite Woody Allen movie is "Broadway Danny Rose" with "Crimes and Misdemeanors" as a close second . Do I think he is a good guy ? It's not a news flash that he has done some terrible things - do I love his movies ? - Yes and for some reason when I watch them I don't think of Soon Yi or this article . We will never know if this is true - if it is he is truly an awful human being .
  7. With the staff as it's currently constructed Trout must continue to be the best player in baseball and Albert and josh have to return to vintage form for us to really contend - no pressure guys ..... But you never know - things could work out I'm hoping they do
  8. it's amazing - what a deal for him - I'd only sign him for an incentive based contract at this point - not saying the Angels should do that though
  9. rip to Pete a true great although this photo reminded me of something - in a band I used to be in a few years back any time someone yelled "play some Seger" we played some Pete and not Bob the "what the hell this isn't "turn the page" looks were priceless
  10. whoah - looks lieu slash is the winner of the who looks the most unchanged from the Guns days
  11. 89 wins with this starting staff I'd say is a successful year
  12. Boring and unexciting offseason may lead to a successful season - the whole "champs of the hot stove " thing was useless the past 2 years so let's fly under the radar win some games and surprise people - Go Angels!!! ( all is good as long as albert and josh return to form and weaver and Wilson make every start they are supposed to)
  13. I'm actually surprised that at jan 30 our rotation looks like it does - I hope something changes before opening day but we have Weaver , Wilson and really 3 question marks - and we are totally screwed if we even have 1 starter injured
  14. I wonder what would have happened had he stayed an Angel - granted he was asking for way too much money AND we had to make room at 3b for powerhouse Brandon Wood - but maybe he would have had a few more good years without the change of scenery
  15. Loved Figgins when he was here - hope he does well - the rest of his team hopefully struggles heavily ....
  16. Shocker - he might as well have signed with them on the first day
  17. I'm posting so I can get to the end of this thread - phone won't let me get there - as for Tanaka can't imagine we get him and that's ok - as we know big signings don't always mean postseason - use the money saved and get more pitching than just one guy
  18. I like Peter and enjoyed him as an Angel but while he surely has the speed to steal 40 he doesn't seem to have the other part - maybe that's the mental part or learning to read pitchers better etc etc
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