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Everything posted by vlad27

  1. Well he has achieved an amazing thing though - he completely sucked at his job and he still gets 8.5 million dollars !!! Holy crap .
  2. I know it's just ST but I'm loving the winning - I think a good spring can lead to a great April which this season as we all know is the most important month for this team
  3. Nice move for us better numbers and younger sorry Sosh
  4. Glad he's using a rubber - we don't want him procreating - his son surely will somehow sign a contract for way too much money and will end up going 1-16 for the poor 2036 angels team
  5. thanks! That's an original song written and sung by our drummer Gary Ukura - I'm the the lead guitarist / harmony singer and occasional lead singer
  6. agreed he is still going to be very good for a while
  7. Thanks - that works - I'm in all those videos except for the " promo video" Which was done before I joined . I'm the lead guitarist usually the guy on the left - sometimes lead vocal on " feels like rain "
  8. so here is where my tech skills are so terrible I don't know if I know how to post a link from my phone - I'm rarely on a real computer - I'll try . The band is The Cheektones ( named after founding member Don Cheek) lots of Youtubes I'll try posting one
  9. yeah it would be cool for me being a fan but none of my bandmates are really into baseball - we might make it work although we would need to book another night or two in the area to make the trip financially worthwhile - I'm looking into it
  10. My band has been in contact about playing the " angels music garden " Friday night before home games . I have never been to one since I only make 2 or so games a year since I live in AZ What is it like ? Large crowd or not so much ? Mainly trying to see if it's worth a drive from Prescott AZ for 5 guys . I'd do it in a heartbeat to perform at the stadium but sadly I'm the only Angels fan in the band
  11. Howie is a lucky man - ha... interesting show funniest part was john travolta mangling Idina Menzels name so terribly - then she sang pretty well till the last big note and you could she was not happy with that - hard note to hit but a tough break on national tv
  12. This is good news - bring on the 6 or 7 year extension !!!
  13. Wow - great interview - this SB 1062 thing is absurd - I live AZ everyone here hates it too I actually haven't met a single person that can defend it without sounding like a total idiot - an idiot much like this senator - uggh
  14. if he likes to hunt have arte develop the land around the stadium stock it with some deer and elk and let him have at it
  15. I agree this team has to be a wining strong team by the time his contract is up / a player of his caliber needs to be seeing the postseason somewhat regularly - plus he's not going the hometown discount route we got with Weaver
  16. He has to be a starter otherwise it's Blanton time
  17. Well worse case scenario is he still sucks and gets released - he is still a multi millionaire and never has to work another day in his life
  18. only reason I see us staying put with this rotation is that ALL extra money will go to the Trout extension otherwise it makes no sense to not secure more pitching - wasn't that our number 1 goal going into the offseason?
  19. New stadium or not it needs to be in Anaheim - moving is ridiculous and I truly believe the talking to Tustin thing is just a negotiating move . Either do the renovations or build the new stadium next to the old one like the Mets did with Citi Field basically only trading out where the parking lot is . Also winning cures all - let's focus on putting a winning team on the field long term - hopefully this gets resolved quickly ( it won't) and all focus can be on baseball. Everyone that complains that Angel stadium is old and outdated won't care if we watch a world series or two in the old and outdated stadium
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