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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. Based on your statements and Angelsjunky's link, I'm not so sure that your memory is going to be our go-to when it comes to the retelling of past events. Also, you are now granted approval of your requested screen name change to "yvBrianWilliamsfan."
  2. Since we're talking about old Clooney flicks, I guess I'll mention that I just saw Out of Sight recently. It's still amazing. 10/10.
  3. Any word on what it's for?
  4. It's apparently official. This reflects poorly on both schools, but mostly Stanford. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
  5. Brennan Scarlett, a talented but consistently injured DE who has just graduated and has a year left to play will be going to business school and playing football... at Stanford. I can't fault him, especially since he is going to get to play with his younger brother there and also since it's a wonderful school. Still... yuck.
  6. I would think that if Apple wants to get ESPN, they'll have to buy Disney. Hell, they could almost buy Disney outright with all the cash they have on hand. Not that they'd do an all cash deal, but still...
  7. I have no issues with the flag, but that's a total dumbshit thing to say, and you're not a total dumbshit. I'm sure that there are people who have 100% legit reasons for not being proud of some things done under our flag.
  8. That's weird that you see it that way, because you're completely correct. Or... Perhaps it's just because I saw a film (that I really, really liked) that had a preposterous scenario and it made me think of something so silly and outrageous from a four or five years ago that my functioning human brain happened to recall it despite the fact that I hadn't though of it since then. Our brains are funny things, no? Also, after being so quick to make the compulsory "outrage" call out post, you sure were pretty quick to actually head down that same path right there. You could have at least allowed four posts to separate the two before actually assigning such a scenario to me, no? Go Bears!
  9. mt with the worthless and predictable "outrage" post that merely argues the rather insignificant value of a single word which can easily be removed from the post in question without remotely changing the obscure topic at hand.
  10. I'm glad you brought that up. I've been wondering where I can find the liberal outrage over the film's characterization of those that believe climate change is due to human kind. Surely they must understand how damaging and unfair such portrayals are. Or is that kind of brain dead reaction reserved for the Fox News crowd when it comes to things like the characterization of oil tycoons in "The Muppets?"
  12. There was a thread just like this about Walton on the Cal board when we played UCLA last time. He's really stepped up his game. He's quite unbearable now.
  13. But he's got a hot wife, so he passes the official USC fan KiffinMeme sniff test and was thusly hired and prematurely bragged about by nando.
  14. I loved watching Vlad. I really hope he goes into the HOF wearing an Angels hat. He was such a joy to have on the team.
  15. It's clear that you're to blame. You need to stop pointing fingers. This is getting out of hand. Also, you may want to look into Tank being at fault here.
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