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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I don't buy random girls drinks, but I imagine the same feeling. With older vets they appreciate it, but the younger ones have this expectation like some hot chick at a bar expecting to be given a free drink.
  2. Looking forward to the day panthers protest my school and state how offended the school makes them look with oversized teeth and an aggressive look.
  3. This episode left a lot of questions, but the preview they showed looked to answer some. Interesting to see the how and why of the Clay breakout.
  4. heard about it from chicks at the bar. good idea. granted, like wicked said, they can still save the pic you just get notified or something like that. never used it, but have been on a few with friends doing videos sending to other friends missing out.
  5. im thinking martin has some psych issues. locker rooms were self policed and now that is under scrutiny with all this and changes will be made.
  6. gta 5 and breaking bad. you're on a good one dude.
  7. not really. i remember 2003 when we were 9-0 and it was blip like this as well and not taken seriously. back then we just crushed on offense, but there was nobody in the afc west that was strong whereas now it's arguably the two best teams in the league this season. the hype is also the match up, not about the chiefs......small market and no pedigree of success, nor on the east coast for espn to slurp. im curious to see how the chiefs offense does because of how the cowboys did against them in a shootout. also, the chiefs have had two weeks to prepare and that seems to be lost by a lot of people. denver is rightfully favorites at home, but some of these talking heads are seriously sleeping on the chiefs....sounds like they haven't watched the games and just looked at the scores or teams beat.
  8. i like all the hype this matchup is getting. denver has the best qb in the league, so they are always talked about, but to see kc get top headlines and stories is cool.
  9. didnt read the article but laugh at what either my sister or buddy said coming home from duty, "i wish they didnt clap for us in airports. just buy me a beer." it's weird because i went through the process and was sworn in, but am not a vet. it seemed like most dudes were like me and just lost with life and needed to do something with their life. my perception is a little different than someone that would never consider service. i appreciate someone that signs up with how ****ed up the world is and how we just deploy troops wherever we feel like. i always buy any soldier or vet a beer or if they dont drink a meal.
  10. Guess the gender. - Awesome. I just realized I put my underwear on backwards. - I hate forgetting he had to wake up early and roll over to a big empty space. .. hopefully he comes home soon cuz this show is scaryyy!!! - Any day now! #mommylovesyou #babyboy #daddylovesyou - Not a big fan of today, good thing there is a new one coming tomorrow (god willing)
  11. It's me, you, Jim, and I don't remember names from the old board set up, but there was another two as well, I think.
  12. Manning also doesn't like to get crushed by Halo and Houston.
  13. haha, the good old days. it was in reference to that chick in new york or new jersey that blasted the pizza places customers on fb because she didn't like her tip and got fired. the page was called something like, "if you're too cheap to tip then stay home" and seemed to be some pathetic support group for people to bitch and complain about not getting 18% from everyone. it became troll city and was comical. what I learned is that servers and bartenders that didn't dwell on cheapskates, worked at better places, and liked what the work did well. the entitled ones didn't.
  14. never. I think op makes sense of signing him, but the backlash of potentially missing on two huge free agents in back to back seasons will hold the team back from a big splash.
  15. I think after your awesome stories that I added them on FB, but haven't checked it out yet. The stories alone were gold.
  16. I made sure to not drop any spoilers. As you watch you'll trip out like the rest of us and come across obvious stuff. Nothing I mentioned comes into play a first watch. This show doesn't deserve spoilers from anyone, it's a disservice to do so. Enjoy.
  17. Philly's d is playing good and foles is lights out. Philly also started their push for the division.
  18. Part of me thinks Manning is going to get rolled or hit hard and be out at some point. I'm taking the safe route with picking Denver over our team, but would love to eat a loss and think it will happen with Manning getting crushed.
  19. I think he means if he was to play that team in the playoffs. He's right. Weeks 2-4 you can find gems and holes in teams. Hell, I picked up Stacy two weeks ago or so, whenever he had a breakout game, merely as a spot start when Spiller and Murray were injured. Same with Ellington. With Josh Gordon, I picked him up while suspended and tucked him away and had huge games from him. Gould and Carolina are also great waiver pick ups, like Foles. There is always players for free that outperform your regs or that just sit there.
  20. Good rule, that's what I meant in my post. The old men that act like teenie boppers wearing some 20 year olds jersey and running over kids to get autographs. Prim reminded me, I also have two hockey goalie jerseys, but they are blanks and are to be worn when I play.
  21. Can we find a way to use tankers? I had that a solid staple for about a week or two when everyone some wanted to suck for a draft pick.
  22. I have a dude in my league like that. He picked almost all the Chargers skill players as a Chargers fan. He's 1-9.
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