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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. it would even be funnier if people knew who joey barton is. he's like the dennis rodman, john rocker, richie incognito, claude lemieux, and any other asshole dirty player you could think of. that said, his twitter posts that some have posted are hilarious.
  2. im lazy and have an old kobe #8 and lebron cavs alternate jersey that i wear around the house. however, next thing you know im taking the dog for a walk or running to the store and that means im wearing these in public. i strangely get compliments from youngster because they are throwbacks or old school, for lack of a better term. i still have a troy glaus jersey, but dont wear it. im not down with "sports guy" that wears them with pride or is the dumb bro jock. blanks are cool for sporting events, but its a fine line. i think dudes that wear nfl jerseys to bars give it a bad name. i think old school ones are ok, but not current players. nothing like some 49 year old geeking out in a trout jersey. just seems lame.
  3. I liked that one. Tried watching something about the biggest cheapskates and some doc about a dude addicted to porn, turned both off.
  4. I like when she always says things like "gripe fest over" like more aren't going to be on the horizon in hours or days.
  5. Thu Nov 14 Indianapolis Sun Nov 17 Arizona Tampa Bay Chicago Cincinnati Detroit New York Jets Houston Philadelphia San Diego New York Giants Seattle New Orleans Denver Mon Nov 18 Carolina
  6. It's the NFL, pretty standard. He'll probably get off. Two others in the car to take the fall.
  7. If you want to trip out and have watched Breaking Bad, watch it again. I'm up to episode five now and it's amazing how much of this stuff, even so early, correlates to how the show progresses and plays out.....even a direct line of dialogue that is important towards the back end. Just a bunch of light bulb moments that are trippy that the writers either remembered or reused. I'm enjoying it more the second time around because of the little nuances.
  8. Fantasy has always been about spotting and picking up the studs off the waiver wire. Whether it's the KC D or Zach Stacy. Simply auto-selecting and thinking youre done is for fools.
  9. There's nothing but shit at redbox. The lady didn't want it but I figured I invested in the second and could deal with the third. Not a bad comedy and nowhere near the first, but wasn't bad. They just focused on story/plot instead of comedy. Still had some good chuckles.
  10. He's trying to get a reaction and isn't even posting anything of substance. You can tell with the childish lol's after his sentences in the follow up post. I don't mind the Debbie Downers like you have also trolled this year and in the gameday chats, but just straight trolling is stupid. He's also spamming the same posts and derailing threads as well, which affect other posters. Personally, I don't care and am not around this portion enough to get bent out of shape. I've been around long enough to see trends though.
  11. damn, there is a company i completely forgot about. i was trying to think if it was countrywide or some oc bank that went under like greenpoint, fieldstone, or new century. we used to look at mortgage implode-o-meter or mortgage imploder that seemed to update by the day of places closing.
  12. Not quite, troll. He's the dude that shows up to the party and talks about his divorce....constantly. A lot of people have differing points of view that I'm glad they bring to the table. This dude is the new R.Munkee.
  13. Gangster Squad was cool. Not going to win any awards, but a cool flick to watch. I love that era. Saw Hangover 3 yesterday. Better than the second and simply ok. They need to stop writing plots and stories with these guys and just have them get shit faced and not remember what happened. I'm just glad they didn't rehash the same jokes like the second one.
  14. I hope the OP gets banned. All of his posts are like this and suck. Now he is just trolling hoping to get a 10 pager.
  15. I prefer that am830 ad with Rex Hudler about some wine company or wine bar where he kind of whispers throughout the commercial. It's comedy and likely the lowest Rex's voice has ever been.
  16. I like our chances next week off a bye, how Denver played a bad SD team, and Peyton sounds like he won't be 100% after one of those final plays when he got rolled. If this was in KC, I'd think a win was pretty sure. In Denver it will still be tough, but seems more possible. Hope KC goes in with the chip on their shoulder from the naysayers about schedule or some of the ridiculous things I've seen on the internet.
  17. Swell, lost by 1.2 points. That last Brees bomb was the back breaker. 8-2 and still leading the league in points since my opponent and I both beat everyone else this weekend.
  18. Not even that. I've had DTV and ATT and a few times did the threaten cancel and got new subscriber rates. With the last one, when the ATT one jumped almost 80% I called to cancel and they wanted to give me internet and tv with everything for $100. Although, I know a few people who seriously cycle through every service and keep getting start up prices.
  19. The perfect storm to beat me: Brees hitting everyone but Graham and the Cowboys getting destroyed to where they have to abandon the run and air it out. Up by 11.6 but I doubt Brees stops. Losing Rodgers really hurt and the Cowboys suck some serious dick. Keep giving it to Ingram!!
  20. So far, so good. I think Jimmy has two catches. He's spreading it. Murray is already over his projections so I'm good there hoping he puts up more to offset Brees as much as possible. only up by 27ish now.
  21. I'm going to get service again here shortly. The key is to always threaten to cancel. Their retention department always gives you the same deal as new people.
  22. I just don't think Kaepernick can beat anyone with his arm and stats show Carolina D as stout against the run. Worked out.
  23. Some dandies this week. Rodgers went down, picked up Eli, dropped him and grabbed Cutler when he was cleared.......20 point swing as Eli sucked it up. Cutler gave me his projection. Considered Keenum, but I like the AZ secondary. Went back and forth between Stacy and Spiller, but set on Stacy and Murray. Spiller sucked, Stacy did good, and hopefully Murray does well in a bit. Garcon and Hilton were top WRs, but Welker sucked. Picked up Gould as Gostkowski is on a bye and got good production. My best gem of the weekend is KC is on a bye and I immediately picked up the Bills D because the match up. Then I dropped them and grabbed Miami for the same reason. Then looked at Carolina and read good things, so I grabbed them and dumped Miami. Then when I was doing last minute reading from "the pros" everyone was high on Tennesse and I almost pulled the trigger but felt strong on Carolina which destroyed it today. I like to only keep one D, but may go with KC and Carolina the rest of the way. I'm ahead of the dude I'm playing by 41, but he has Brees going in a bit which is capable of putting up those numbers. However, I have Graham going too, so I guess let Graham get yards or two tds, but throw 3-4 int's? I also have Murray going. Hoping both can offset what Brees does. Projections are Brees with 45, Graham with 18, and Murray with 14. Oh, and he has Hartley going for about 9 points. Should grab the win, but anything can happen.
  24. went with Cutler last minute. Eli only put up 9 points in my league...yikes. Cutler may hit his projection or come up just short. important game for the bears so went with him.
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