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arch stanton

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Everything posted by arch stanton

  1. If you're gonna throw a hissy and whine yourself into a depression every time your team loses then I don't think baseball is the right sport for you to follow but if you insist then I suggest adding a little fiber to your diet.
  2. I've always liked Stewart but I'd like him more if he'd do that with the clowns at MSNBC as well.
  3. It's hard to question them for shooting in that situation since they were acting under the assumption that he may be carrying more explosives.
  4. Shouldn't the owner of the fertilizer retailer be an enemy combatant? Is he not a terrorist? He defied the DHS and created a bomb much more powerful than those in Boston.
  5. Are we implying that professional athletes should not be allowed to jump 11 inches into the air and land on a flat surface? The feminization of America is out of control.
  6. I've spent 14 years on and off working in Saudi Arabia. I guarantee you there are several hundred Abdul Rahman Al-Harbis there. He probably has 2 or 3 cousins with that name. Anyway, it seems pretty plausible to me that at least one, if not more of those, is a different person.
  7. They win tonight then take 5 out of 7 on the road trip and the world will cease to be ending
  8. I moved from California to the Denver area in 1981. The first girl I dated there was a big fan of the punk/new wave and had a thing for Chrissy. I found out a few years later that I had the privilege(?) of being her last male companion. MS is a brutal disease and a gut-wrenching way to see someone deteriorate and die. RIP
  9. Three infield starters not in there now. It could be worse.
  10. Why must everyone qualify his/her answer? The art of the simple yes or no is lost.
  11. Please don't feed the attention whore by acknowledging his babble.
  12. Good to use him first and save Jerome in case they get into another situation where they need to get Beltre and Cruz later in the game.
  13. In some countries, prisons are not for-profit corporate entities.
  14. Sad that you have to become a lame duck before you can act on your own principles instead of those of your financers.
  15. So they defied the DHS and created an explosive several thousand times more powerful than the one in Boston. Should they be tried as enemy combatants or is the motive of profit above all else considered acceptable?
  16. No hate but when we keep legitimizing what they do and giving it the status of war then they become legitimate warriors and heroes instead of common murderers and child killers. If our long established laws are that easily manipulated then our government becomes no more legitimate than those of Assad or Kim.
  17. Very well spoken and well prepared for his debut. A real tribute to West Virginia and the entire east coast.
  18. I started paying attention in '72 but it was '73 and following Nolan through the season of 383 that got me hooked. Me and my little clock radio listening to Enberg and Drysdale. We went to about 10 games that year, usually sitting a few rows behind the 1st base dugout. Those seats cost $7.50 and could be bought at the window on game day.
  19. Probably just a one game change with Holland starting tonight. I'd bet Hamilton goes back to 4th against Ogando and Yu. Might be a good time to tell Blanton that after the 13 inning game he's on his own for 6 innings no matter the score.
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