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Posts posted by HaloCory22

  1. I'll admit that Cogs had a good game. However, he could've had a GREAT game. A few wide open fucking shots that he fanned on and at least 1 really bad exit pass that lead to a dangerous SOG.

    The biggest joke of the night had to be the defense though. Everyone aside from Fowler looked AWFUL. Beauch is so damn slow. Twice I remember him getting left in the dust on a seam route up the middle. Holy crap. Holzer and Bieksa together was a disaster and don't get me started on the oaf, Manson.

    Great to see Rakell and Perry stepping up though. They're going to be the ones we rely on early on till we get healthy. Those bottom two lines man... Yikes. We knew the fist 2-3 months would be rough. So can't be too mad.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hubs said:

    If he opts out he's not getting more than he signed for two years ago, he has to know that. I think he renegotiates for more money (higher AAV by 1-2M) and possibly an extra year. It's not like he's vastly underpaid. We got him for a AA Pitcher, so it's not like we paid a lot. That trade is a steal if he doesn't opt out.

    He definitely will opt out if he believes the Angels aren't going to be competitive. Which is why I want the Dodgers to win the WS. Force Arte to compete financially.

    You honestly don't think he'll get more compared to his previous deal?

    .271    .358    .540     136 wRC+ 5.0 WAR in 2017.  His best season by far since 2011.

    I don't think he's going to get 10 AAV more per year but he's definitely hit himself into a nice raise.

  3. 2 hours ago, Calzone said:

    He did a nice job for us and I don't think he will opt out. He's making good money and playing in SoCal. If he leaves, it's because he doesn't want to play here.

    There's plenty of reasons for him to opt out.

    1- His stock has grown since he signed the first deal.

    2- CA sales tax will take a large chunk of that existing money. So signing a new deal would essentially replace the money he's due to lose in taxes.


    There's zero reason for him not to opt out. Plenty of players opt out and re-sign with the same team. That's why the opt out clause is there.

  4. 1 hour ago, UndertheHalo said:

    If we didn't get Upton I would be much more down on this season.  Acquiring him has been such a huge cherry on top for this team and if they get him to stick around (they must) I think the season with all of its challenges has been a resounding success for the teams soft rebuild efforts.  We had a nice draft, got guys like Richards and Skaggs back (finally) dug up Bridwell.  IMO, Cron has demonstrated again that he's our guy at 1b.  Even Heaney should be good to go next year. We can still get a great player at 13 in the draft.  As long as we keep Upton,  with some health the team could be pretty good next year.  Even if we don't go get a pitcher.  Though, hopefully we do.  I'm just gonna enjoy this last week.  If we can somehow stay within 1 or 2 of the Twins through the weekend, we'll have a shot at a fun wild card game.  If not, who gives a shit.  

    I definitely agree that there are some bright spots to the season. Hell, I thought we'd lose 90+ again for sure. Seeing this team take a much needed leap forward from their initial projections is great to see. Keeping Upton is a must. Getting a proven arm is a must as well. This current crop of pitchers are so unreliable and unproven. I'm still not 100% sold on Cron. Unfortunately we don't have many better options. When he's hitting it's great but when he's not.. Yikes. I'd love to have that protected pick that allows us to spend in FA and also have that pick to further bolster this farm system. Can't have it all though hah.

  5. This is hilariously awful. 


    Serious question here.

    Is there a reason Albert can't spend an offseason with a personal trainer and actually lose some weight? FFS, Sandoval did it twice! There is zero reason a professional athlete should be that out of shape and slow. Grow a sack, Arte/Eppler and demand that he come into camp 30 lbs lighter. Again, there may be a reason for this (injuries) but damn. A little discipline please, Albert. Your talent can't carry you anymore.

  6. A coworker's son in law and his wife vacationed in Anaheim from Indiana a few weeks back. They decided to catch the Angels game since they're at home. During a Calhoun ab, he ripped a foul ball down the line and it hit the fan next to them. Right into the beer cup and ended up splashing him all over. I guess Victor and Gubi were discussing it during the broadcast because word got to Calhoun on what happened and this was the result..




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