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Posts posted by HaloCory22

  1. 23 minutes ago, Thomas said:

    Seems a strange dynamic. Many people thought Force Awakens was too derivative and now many people say Last Jedi is not derivative enough. God knows that venn diagram probably overlaps a lot. I thought it was the best Star Wars film yet. I think the first three films are held on an entirely too high a pedestal. Yes, even Empire. The prequels were well the prequels and less said the better. Force Awakens honestly was a bit derivative, though I thought not nearly as much as many people say. I enjoyed Rogue One and thought it was a move in the right direction but the fan service was a little too much for me. I think, at least based on my initial impression, Last Jedi is the most complete of any of the films.

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    I appreciated the casino subplot. I like that it basically went completely wrong the whole time. Yet because the two characters, one rather flawed, did the right things morally, they may be rewarded based on the last scene. The force works in mysterious ways. Many seem to think it was pointless but I felt it fleshed out the characters quite well, especially the newest character Rose but I think the perception of it suffers from the interaction with the conflict between Poe and Admiral Holdo, as it seemed forced and awkwardly written. It was necessary as we watch Poe progress from an overconfident rash pilot to a seasoned leader, but it could have been done in a better manner. There is an interesting story there about a pilot who assumes just because he's an amazing pilot that he automatically is good at everything. Assuming he is better equipped in leading the remains of a fleet than a celebrated admiral and before that even with Leia herself. Dealing with the issues of youthful exuberance versus aged wisdom and lightly touching on gender issues. He spends the vast majority of the movie continually fucking up, albeit for noble reasons. The Dreadnought. The ill advised casino mission. Speaking too loudly about the evacuation plan leading to the betrayal. But with him eventually catching on to his flaws and making the adjustment. It's a very good character arc. But it suffers from the awkward interactions with the admiral and the rather large plot holes in the chase from the Last Order



    I felt Rose was the biggest hypocrite ever in this movie. She starts off giving Finn shit for being selfish and putting himself ahead of the Resistance, yet the jackass potentially cost lives by pulling that shit in the final act in a selfish state. I couldn't stand her.


  2. 2 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

    I'm struck by the fact that Eppler literally doesn't need to do anything more to field a good team that is a serious wildcard contender. Sure, he could upgrade at 3B and/or 1B, maybe tweak the bullpen, and even add a starter, but he doesn't have to. So far this offseason he has both filled the team's biggest hole (2B) and acquired a mega-prospect/young star with immense potential.

    Respectfully disagree. The pitching still needs a lot of help. This team right now is the 2013 Angels. All hitting, no pitching. Granted, this 2018 probable rotation is much better than that team. We still need 1 more starter. I'd argue 2. A Darvish type, plus a 4/5 guy maybe that'll eat innings, and a reliever. I just don't trust our kids to stay healthy and/or actually perform at a high level. I hope I'm wrong obviously but there's a lot of glass on our pitching staff.

  3. 12 hours ago, nate said:

    Manson is so frustrating.  He has a dumbass play for every good one he makes.

    Gibson was amazing. 

    Funny enough I thought he was far and away better than Fowler last night. Fowler usually has great zone exit % but not so great last night. Manson on the other hand seemed very protective of the puck in our zone and managed to clear it out every time. I feel dirty giving Manson a compliment.

  4. The good news folks is Getzlaf and Kesler both skated today. They're getting closer. Two weeks or so and both are back most likely. Silf will be back in the coming days too. Kase is back. We're almost at full strength.






    That looks WAAAAY better than that we've been rolling out there. Still not crazy formidable but still good. Personally, I'd like to see Kase up with Getz and Raks and Perry down with Ritchie and Henrique. At least Vermette will be back to 4th line minutes and we'll have actual Centers soon.

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