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Everything posted by angelsnationtalk

  1. Makes perfect sense to me. I think Adell will be ready to go come 2020 no matter what. Obviously a September callup if he shows flashes of brilliance. If he does extremely well in spring training we might even have a possibility of him starting in AAA. I do think he’ll start in AA and be a quick AAA callup. I hope Calhoun plays well so he can be traded to a contending team and we add arm depth to our system like a Sandoval or Buttrey. Adell hits .250-.270 while called up, ready full time come 2020.
  2. I definitely like the idea. The one issue I have is how MLB can make the rule that you must spend the money or after 3 years you’ll lose the pick to the better team. Not every team can afford to spend that much. The Oakland Athletics don’t have the same budget that the New York Yankees do so there will always be a disadvantage. i think the easiest option to start with is just to make the contracts more incentive based. Sign Harper to a base contract of 10yr $200,000,000 that’s guaranteed $20/yr. but leave it up to the player to hit certain numbers to receive the entire 10yr $300,000,000 value ($30M/yr). If they play like Pujols or get injured, then they make $20M that season. Less pressure and commitent for the team. And this could be used on all teams.
  3. I can see both sides to this argument and I think almost everyone can agree. for the players: They want to be paid with the money they know the owners are pocketing in this multi billion dollar industry. They want the owners to stop pocketing the money and treating it only as a business. They want the owners to think of it being a baseball team first rather than a business. Specially with big market teams like the Yankees, Dodgers, Angels, Red Sox, and Cubs. for the owners: They don't want the risk or obligation of paying someone $350,000,000 for 10 years when the risk is a heavy downfall like Pujols. They might as well just sign a player like Joe Blanton with his Angels stats to that contract because it's the same terrible return. Personally, I like the 0-3 and pre-arb rules. I feel like players who make less tend to want to play harder in order to earn the raise. But, I also believe that the owners are afraid to dish out some serious cash to win. If they are afraid of the risk, then offer higher AAV with less years. like 1-3. Or they need to restructure contracts that gives players options AND more club options. Minimizing the risk to an owners' eyes will allow them to open up the books a little more. Make the contracts performance based. Here's an idea.... What if contracts were more incentive based? For example... Manny Machado signs a 10yr $300,000,000 deal. the AAV can max out at $30,000,000. But the guarantee starts at $20M per season (10yr $200,000,000 guaranteed) and can max out at $30M per season. Based solely off BA, HR, RBI, WAR or whatever you deem most valuable. That way, the players' performance determines the outcome of their own value. Rather than an extra $1M for the player hitting 600+ ABs, make their more risk on the players' side. That idea will never happen, but it could level the playing field. Anyone have any thoughts????
  4. Really like the team opt-out idea. In a way, this allows teams to fork up more money because they could opt-out when they realized they signed a Pujols. This kind of forces to player to perform at his highest potential every game. Just like a normal employee, if you perform, you get a raise or a bonus, if you under perform then you're fired.
  5. Or sign with the Padres and become terrible players like every other star that signs with them
  6. I'm betting on 2020 as well. I agree that the offense could have issues but obviously we don't want to see that. We could push 85 wins this year. I think the best case thing we see is Pujols retiring and deferring contract as well as Calhoun traded, possibly Cozart and maybe a Cahill or Harvey. Would like to see prospects being dumped our way and massive payroll flexibility and a Trout/Simmons extension. Those are my goals for this season. Yours?
  7. I can agree with you Floplag.... If, let's say, Cozart and Calhoun are having good years then teams will be calling. If Eppler sees the trade offers for them are great in terms of impact prospects almost MLB ready (like Buttrey), then the deal could be made. Eppler would realize the return will impact the Angels come 2020-beyond. Of course, we don't want to see it happen, but if it's a close call for the playoffs then I highly doubt we trade talent to make a run this year. Unless we have a legit 90+ win year, I'd still expect the Angels to be some form of sellers. This all depends on how the Astros, Athletics, Indians, Red Sox and Yankees finish. If we are way outmatched and the next few years has better promise, then I'd sell. Specially when Pujols could retire this year and defer his contract as well as all these 1 year contracts. There could be substantial payroll flexibility if Cozart, and Calhoun are traded plus Pujols' contract being deferred due to retirement. (could be $56M). It really just seems like 2019 is the last limbo season but with a tony chance better to win.
  8. Boy I hope you're wrong about the offense having serious issues. I would be happy if we make a push for the WC (fingers crossed). I'd also be decently happy if the Angels have a bad year IF AND ONLY IF our prospects like Ward, Thaiss, Canning, Suarez, Rengifo, Fletcher and Jones can show the ability to play well in MLB. I only say this because it will allow us to become sellers at the deadline to open room up and to free up some payroll. Names like Calhoun and Cozart would make the better impact for payroll relief. If Simmons gets an extension and Fletcher, Rengifo, Ward and Jones can prove they can handle their ground, Cozart could become MLB ready talent to help a playoff team fill the holes they need for a deep playoff run. The stars could finally align this season allowing us to become a much better team in 2020 and beyond.
  9. I know it's an article from Bleacher Report. I know these rankings are opinion based as always but.... This is just sad. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2816033-power-ranking-each-mlb-teams-lineup-before-spring-training-2019#slide12
  10. Love it. Even though it’s a best case scenario. Adding Madbum and Smith sounds enticing as well. Perhaps things could change and we get a bat from somewhere else as well. If we don’t make the playoffs then players like Calhoun, Cozart, Lucroy, Cahill, Harvey can become trade bait for Eppler’s dream of a chance at a “top 5 system”.... I’d also add Suarez and Canning making spot starts then full time come post all-star break or September at worst case. Canning starts off being inconsistent, then finds his groove towards end of season. Adell also dominates AAA earning a September callup that pushes Calhoun to get traded if the Angels don’t make the playoffs.
  11. I'm not saying they should give him 10 years, but I'm just saying it becomes more justifiable compared to handing a 32 year old that type of contract. The only thing Arte should learned is to not dish out massive contracts to players exiting their prime. The one thing that I think is blow out of proportion is all these one year contracts. I get we are saving for our prospects to take over and for 2020-2025 to be solid, but the front office seems super scared for anything more than one year... The Angels are in a different spot now. We haven't had such a deep farm system like this in quite some time. So, spending for talent and pairing it with talented prospects could work better. I never believe when people say our payroll is maxed out.. We've never spent up to the luxury tax and only cap ourselves with an internal budget. We're like the Anaheim Ducks of baseball. An owner who is worth 3+ Billion dollars, one of the largest TV contracts in baseball that revenues the Angels $150M PER YEAR and a growing market with Ohtani, best player in baseball (Trout), and the possibility of a new stadium lease allowing Arte to make serious profits by turning the platinum triangle into an LA Live? Come on..... Like I said, I get your point. I just get a little disappointed when I hear the Angels trying to stay under budget and be a mediocre team with a 5% chance of a wildcard spot when you have the best player in baseball who's dying to be in the playoffs. If we were the Athletics then i'd understand.... But we're not.
  12. 6 years of Harper or Machado in their prime (27-32) will be better than giving someone 10 years from 32-42 no matter the situation. the Angels could, by way of AAV, afford one of them. Plus, if the Angels “went over for the right player”, that would be doable given the prospect offset the price in a few years and Cozart, Pujols and Calhoun come off the books. That’s a potential of $56M leaving the books. I’m not saying the Angels should have signed one of them, but I’m just surprised we’re afraid of taking a risk because of past mistakes. Harper brings a guy with Bery good OBP numbers to hit in front of Trout and most importantly brings the eyes of the east coast and marketing revenue into Arte’s pockets. It’s a no-brainer to take that gamble on a 26 year old. If it was easy to take that gamble on a 32 year old for marketing purposes and a drug addict, then why do you run away when you have a chance at signing someone entering their prime that will direct attention and sales to the organization? Marketing Trout, Ohtani, Harper and Pujols should be an owners’ dream.
  13. And Eppler does loves pitchers who throw 95+... Cowart has that kind of an arm I believe.
  14. Boy do option A and B sound fun. Here’s what I think... Possible run at Arenado come 2020 after moving Calhoun and maybe Cozart. All these one year deal become moveable pieces at the deadline if the Angels don’t make the playoffs. This could help Eppler build his “top 5 system”. It also creates a temporarily fix until prospects are ready. Some will get an extension. Possibly Harvey or Lucroy. This leads me to think there will be MAJOR roster changes after 2019.
  15. Damnnnn Billy, back at it again with the one year deals
  16. What do you mean boring? We signed so many 1 year deals that we get to do it allllllllllllllll over again next year.... yay.... said no one
  17. True, but I think everyone who presented to him had a well designed approach. So yes, the Angels got lucky in some form or way.
  18. It's the very first post. Should be a link that says "You can read it HERE".... click on "here"..
  19. Never trust the media. All they are is a professional version of clickbait looking for attention....
  20. Say "cool we're still under the luxury tax". then laugh my ass off when Cozart, Calhoun, Pujols is off the books collectively saving $56M more so we're WAY under the luxury tax. then I'd tell Eppler and Arte thank you for finally getting it right
  21. Save the laughing for our 80-82 finish this year
  22. Oh you know Eppler is betting on his "dream Bullpen" right now. He thinks this guy will be the guy everyone missed
  23. I wonder how many of those were free agents this offseason that we missed on....
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