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Everything posted by maestro

  1. Jarrett Parker. Sounds like the frontman of a jam band, like the “Jarret Parker Band” JPB
  2. Signing Markakis and moving Calhoun to acquire a frontline pitcher makes a lot of sense. In the offseason plan thread, I suggested signing Markakis and trading Calhoun as part of a package for Bumgarner, but it could be for like Greinke or someone else perhaps. Or as a salary dump like you suggest- to sign a pitcher maybe. And then if the season doesn’t go as planned, Markakis and his likely lower salary can be moved for something decent and we can call up Adell
  3. Bare in mind he is in the smaller office..
  4. looks like he doesn't suck that bad so this is probably a good pickup. unless he does suck. Then it will not be a good pickup
  5. Speaks to the cold front of a hot stove it’s been haha
  6. Agreed we can do better. But I don't think it’s as much about the team treating him horribly because they found someone better, as much as the attitude and tone behind telling someone “we treated you like an angel for 7 years, your time is up, you’re cut” with 3 years left still that the team offered him in the first place. That may not sit well to Trout who’s gonna be thinking about how things may play out on his decline; he may value an organization that lets the all timer go out on the terms he signed with the team. Or he may value an organization that will literally do anything to win here and now like pay a guy $90 million to not play for you just so his bat doesn’t hurt you. You’re point that we don’t know exactly what he’s thinking is absolutely correct and we really are just guessing. But given what we know about Trout and his personality and competitiveness, it’s probably somewhere between those two approaches and likely closer to the first imo. We’ll see!
  7. I get what you're saying: Trout is going to go where he wants and he isn't likely to pick somewhere solely because of how they treated a washed up Hall of famer with a huge contract. And if winning is any influence on where he goes, he should want them to cut someone hurting the team in the name of being all about winning, right? I just think the others are trying to make the point that if, in theory, all things were equal- the money, playing location, opportunity to contend soon- being the team that treated the aging star with respect and class at the end of the contract could be the difference between him staying and leaving.
  8. Good take. I think it's a good approach to only move Canning for players with more certain near-futures- don't want another Greinke situation to happen. It's just that, it's rare for a player of his caliber to become available where we can add him without totally gutting the system or completely breaking the bank, as we would with those other guys you listed- granted, yes there's risks, but seems like a potential good opportunity if executed smartly. I know it would be a lot of wheeling and dealing (again, not very Eppler-like), but perhaps a trade of Skaggs could help us recoup some RHP prospects. Moving Calhoun could clear up salary to sign Kikuchi, an OF like Jon Jay and maybe Ramos for catcher? This way, if Madbum gets hurt or ends up leaving, at least we added some prospects from trading Skaggs, offset the loss of Skaggs with the addition of Kikuchi and we gave ourselves a chance to fill the teams holes. Either way, thanks for the reply, we shall see!
  9. Dang. That's a tough call because every pitcher available has their risks and for the salary/production, Bumgarner seems like the best player to bet on and can really make as big an impact as anyone else we bring in. He wouldn't cost as much in prospect currency as Syndergaard or in salary as Corbin and is probably better than both. Obviously his cost is only lower because he is an expiring and the injuries, but if we can get him without trading Adell/Canning, that seems like a good risk/reward gamble to take, even if we are having to throw in some other good prospects in addition to Suarez. Even Canning plus a lower prospect for Madbum seems intriguing, although that is very anti-Eppler
  10. Bumgarner on the trading block, sounds like the price might not be too bad. They're wanting a high-end pitching prospect back. Could something like Suarez+back end top 30 prospect or two be enough you think? source: https://www.mlb.com/news/sources-giants-open-to-bumgarner-talks/c-301133404
  11. I think the only way to make us a contender in one move is to not only add to our team, but subtract from another contender. Like, Adell+Canning+Marsh+Suarez+Jones+Rengifo+others in top 30 to HOU for Verlander, Altuve, Correa 1B Thaiss/Pujols 2B Altuve 3B Correa SS Simmmons LF Upton CF Trout RF Hermosillo/Calhoun C Briceno DH Ohtani Verlander Skaggs Heaney Barria Pena That probably makes us a "contender" in the west in theory in one move...until like 1-2 years max when HOU has all their talent on top of Adell/Canning/Jones breaking through and destroy us for years.
  12. In Anaheim huh? Hmm I know everyone thought Disneyland but i thought why not the bowling alley on Lincoln and Brookhurst?? Lots of liquor stores nearby, hookers, a Carls Jr, a place to get your haircut and do your taxes.. He could be a really good pickup for the Angels and really only needs to be a Heaney-Skaggs type performer to make this rotation look a lot better. (although, I'm not sure if that production would be good in terms of WAR created per dollar and such, given how much he may get paid).
  13. Would rather take a flier on Bumgarner and see if we can bring him back after his contract is up. Should cost less in prospects and from what I understand Bumgarners injuries aren’t shoulder related or anything as concerning. That’s of course if the Giants actually want to move him
  14. in a scenario where re-signing Trout is 0% possible and we must trade him and he will wave his no trade clause to any team and Toronto wants to gut their promising young core of prospects coming up for Trout who will leave in 2 years only to still finish 4th in the AL East then... still no
  15. I hope taking on Pujols contract qualifies as spending stupid to them
  16. This is who I was hoping they would go with. Let's see how the players respond!
  17. Isn't Black Doug a character in the Hangover? Why couldn't we get him
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