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Everything posted by maestro

  1. Am I the only one that thinks Jose mota overexaggerates the pronunciation of Latin names just cuz? also his name translates to Jose Weed. Dope
  2. I feel like before though, umpires would at least be semi consistent in calling the same ball/strike off the plate. And it would usually be even for both sides. Yes there would be games where it was truly horrible, but this year has been like that almost nightly. The strike zone thing definitely points it out more tho.
  3. It seems that most people don’t like the idea of it being a perfect system where it’s soo accurate that the game feels unauthentic. I’m developing a baseball simulation game and part of the code I’m writing for calling balls and strikes involves a degree of randomness or “noise.” This means that sometimes close calls that should be strikes will be balls and pitches that are off the plate will sometimes will be strikes. This will give the game a feel of the human element. I think if there were to be some implementation of a robotic umpire, they could use something similar to make it still feel authentic. Maybe have a human umpire who reads and calls out the pitch that is determined to help with it. I think the umpires this year have been truly horrible. Never seen so many completely missed calls. Not sure if they should do away with them and make people lose their jobs, but I don’t think an automatic system is terrible either in theory. Basically I don’t want people to lose their jobs so I say no haha
  4. Even after the loss, I still feel great about our chances this year
  5. We lost but at least we saw Kate’s boobs so its like whatever
  6. Not that I’m complaining because it benefits the angels in theory, but I don’t get why Houston goes with giles over Devo. Giles is garbage, Devo is nasty
  7. The umpires are noticeably horrible this year with balls and strikes. Wow
  8. Hey everyone, been reading these boards for years. Finally decided to join. Grew up in Corona/Newport Beach, lived in Fullerton for school and Anaheim for quite a few years (absolutely awful place to live, I absolutely understand now why Arte calls the team LA) and now live in Pasadena for work. I am an artist for the The Simpsons animation crew and have been on the crew since I interned in 2014. Die hard Angels fan since 1999, so since I was 7 haha. My dad started getting season tickets in 2005 and we worked our way from underneath the terrace near left field, to solid seats near first base side and now right behind the diamond club section. My dad moved to Nashville so I officially am the keeper of the seats! My favorite player for all time has got to be Chone Figgins, loved that guy and what he could do. Although, it’s hard not to love Trout. Look forward to discussing the team with everyone.
  9. Couple of CSUF alums ( Noe and Devenski) in this game potentially. I lived with a few baseball players at CSUF. Hung out with Devo all the time at the dorms, great guy. Met Noe too, cool guy verlander is nasty tho
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