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Everything posted by maestro

  1. I’d go with Bauer. Investing a lot in elite starting pitching just generally seems to work out better than investing a lot in elite relievers. After signing him, you can look to trade for relievers, which I’d think will cost less in prospect capital than if you decided to sign relievers and trade for a starter.
  2. Instead of adding another 2-way player, what if Ohtani just practices throwing with his left hand a bunch? He can pitch right handed every 5th day and play the outfield throwing left handed all the other days so he doesn’t blow out his pitching arm out there. Or if he throws hard enough left handed he can pitch every 3 days, alternating arms, which would still give him 6 days between starts on each arm
  3. As long as Ohtani is under contract and he wants to continue pitching, he should be used as a pitcher. That includes if he gets hurt again. I would trade Adell, one of our top 3 pitching prospects and a 3rd lesser prospect if needed for Snell. We (understandably) held onto our prospects for years and we sucked. I want to give it a shot with acquiring an ace caliber pitcher- there’s always going to be risk and you can’t be overly picky every single time a good pitcher comes available or you’ll never acquire one. And you have to trust you hired a GM who can bring organizational improvement in player development; he should hopefully be able to replace what we trade. At least give it a shot. The years of control, cost and upside of snell are hard to argue with.
  4. If he can translate as well as the stat nerds believe, that’s really an underrated benefit imo. In interviews he could ask the question to himself in Korean, answer in Korean, and then translate the answer in English. It would be wildly entertaining
  5. I agree. From the sounds of it, there’s not going to be a lot of premier pitching becoming available from trade, and even if there was, we would be emptying our system to make a trade like that. With Upton looking a lot better at the end of the year, he doesn’t have the outlook of a complete albatross as a lot began to think. Maybe a team looking for a veteran bat in their lineup would be willing to take on Upton and the rest of his contract if we throw in a guy like Jeremiah Jackson or Pares. Or both even. That would free up 20 mil in addition to the 40 mil or so I’ve seen floated as what we have to spend. Overpay Bauer to get him here- hopefully that 60 mil is enough for both Bauer and Stroman. backload as needed after Pujols contract is off the books. My thinking is, giving those guys up to free Uptons 20 Mil is still less than what we’d be trading to get a pitcher with similar upside as stroman. Yes, perhaps the trade route would bring in a younger and cheaper option, but we’d be likely giving up more than we did for dumping Upton. I even like Upton and thought people were too quick to hate him but I’d rather pay Stroman in this scenario. Maybe bring in a guy like Pederson on a 1 year deal until Marsh/Adell are both ready and perhaps we could have Bauer/Stroman/Pederson for the same or similar price tags as Bauer/Upton/traded pitcher. Probably a long shot because of Uptons no trade clause, and both stroman and Bauer have to want to be here. I’d even move Adams to dump Upton if it meant we can sign both those guys. it’s not the craziest thing I’ve heard and we wouldn’t have gutted the farm to make it happen :)
  6. Personally I’d like to see the first round be a best of 4. It’s a very underutilized format
  7. To be honest, I like the red on reds. I think they’re great and I liked that they were wearing those and the whites mostly rather than the greys (not a fan). Maybe “fix” it by going back to the vest jerseys with the red t-shirt under. Those were really cool- I have a Figgy jersey like that in fact :) That navy jersey someone posted is just awful lol and my favorite logo/color scheme was the CA angels no less
  8. he's gonna be such a beast this year
  9. With what happened to Kobe, Trout has taken on a new level of hero for me. Knowing that astros players felt compelled to contact Mike and explain themselves shows others feel similarly. He’s a great guy- he doesn’t even really condemn them or lay into them as harsh as others have, and yet what he says here is profound and surely makes those guys feel sh***y. I hope Mike just DESTROYS them this year
  10. Goes to show how great Trouty is. They were cheating and he was still unquestionably better
  11. It's kinda like when the CP3 trade didn't go through with the Lakers (ugh). Hopefully he doesn't pull a Lamar Odom haha
  12. how is it fixed? He sucked against lefties. And sucked less against righties Now this post is reminding me of when Homer says " I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked." I'd post a Youtube link but I don't wanna get fired haha
  13. Kidding aside, I actually trust Eppler with these kind of moves- he may end up really solid for us
  14. This looks looks like a good trade so far. Very excited! Improved the offense and rotation while most likely keeping our good ammo for an ace that becomes available. Man I’m excited!
  15. Gonsolin was my first thought, seeing as we know Eppler has been targeting a move for pitchers with 4+ years control. Maybe the Dodgers don’t see him fitting in their rotation? Would be an awesome pickup, especially without giving up Marsh or Adell. Stripling would be solid too, but losing Adams to the Dodgers for him would hurt a little
  16. Funny enough, my elementary school used to take us every year to a showing of the Nutcracker. By the 3rd year, I couldn’t even stay awake through it- I fell asleep and when I woke up the theater lights were all on and everyone left. I ran out and they had just stopped the bus with everyone on it, barely noticing I wasn’t there Damn Nutcracker
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