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Posts posted by T.G.

  1. They are. Just what is it about a base salary if half a million are you not getting?

    So if we take this big bang analogy further, guys in community theatre get what they get until they have a guest shot on the show. They get more if they are a recurring character and then compensated greatly if they have to be Sheldon's girlfriend about season four.


    I was responding to the folks who thought baseball players make too much money.  I thought that was clear.

  2. To those who think baseball players make too much money - how do you feel about the cast of Big Bang Theory getting $90 million each on their new contract?  http://www.businessinsider.com/big-bang-theory-cast-sign-90-million-salary-deal-2014-8


    Baseball players are basically entertainers and entertainers get huge dollars.


    Also - baseball is flush with money.  Do you think more of it should go to the owners?  It's going to go somewhere... why not to the players?

  3. Seems to me that for the most part Weaver never gets the respect he deserves.  Even when he was coming out of college, most "experts" projected him as a back of the rotation starter.  They said he would have arm issues because of his delivery, etc., etc.  There's been concerned about his decreased velocity and chatter about him "no longer being an ace."  And yet... he's still pitching above average and proving people wrong.  Maybe he's not Greg Maddux, but he's certainly a guy who knows how to pitch and continues to bring value.  I just wouldn't bet against him.

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