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California Cajun

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Everything posted by California Cajun

  1. I think that's to be expected given the pool W-L record. This was my 50th season as an Angels fan and I still say this franchise has incredible support, considering the tough times it has endured. I left Southern California 44 years ago and could never give up Angel fandom.
  2. I wonder if Marte can play some instructional or winter ball to bone up in left field.
  3. Maybe, but today Mickey couldn't hide his sordid private life because the press would report it, was an alcoholic, and he had injuries. Plus, would he be tempted to take PEDs? He might be treated more like ARod than The Mick in public esteem. I just might take Trout today, even if Mantle was better.
  4. Injuries gentlemen, serious pitcher injuries. Team gets a mulligan, because no team could overcome what happened this year. Angel fans are the best in the world. We have one championship in 56 years and don't have a cult following. People who follow this team are true Angel fans.
  5. I was smart to stop looking at the standings when it became apparent that the pitching injuries would be something no team could overcome. 9 homers by Nelson Cruz against the Angels. Wow. I looked at the Pedro Moura article in the L.A. Times with the speculation over who would be back next year. He thought CJ Wilson would not be back and Jared Weaver might. Escobar has a club option. Pitching will be in short supply again and some guys need to step up.
  6. Never underestimate the courage of the men that wear the Halo!
  7. I must admit that I can't wait for the season to end due to fear of more casualties.
  8. Yeah, just an unlucky year. I'm sure a lot of research will be done to determine what is causing TJ surgeries. A generation ago the big problem was rotator cuff tears and evidently teams have for the most part figured out how to avoid this. When it rains it pours. This is the Angels season with regards to pitching injuries.
  9. Wow didn't realize. I thought we were taking our lumps worse than that. That does shine a light on the future considering the injuries.
  10. I picked the wrong time to fall asleep early during these two Reds games.
  11. Looking good on FS1. Maybe this raw talent can get it together with the Angels.
  12. Can the stadium be upgraded without demolishing it? Would it take playing at Dodger Stadium two years like the Yankee Stadium renovation in the 70s? I haven't been to the stadium since the Rams configuration and that was in 1992. I was in town in 2001 but the team was on the road.
  13. It might help if the Angels add more scouts to find talent. I think they added some this year but a scout costs less than a free agent who is getting paid for past performance.
  14. If the plumbing lasted 50 years, why not let Arte and Anaheim split the cost of utility repairs and let the City develop the land as it sees fit? Arte shouldn't have any serious maintenance costs for the rest of his ownership. You can't make the Big A into a new park but I really don't read many complaints about it.
  15. Maybe his catcher should push him to use it more.
  16. You wonder what Mickey Mantle could have got out of Josh's body.
  17. Relievers, I think you have to be lucky. If they have the stuff but not the mentality it doesn't work. You only find out by putting them in the fire and seeing how they do.
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