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Roy Hobbs

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Everything posted by Roy Hobbs

  1. Actually Johnny Hellweg, Ariel Pena and Jean Segura were the guys in that trade.
  2. Tonka's for me too, had this set plus a bunch of others. I had a whole construction site on the side of our house.
  3. Good timing, I just finished reading the Yankees 100 year retrospective. Wee Willie Keeler and Jack Chesbro.41 wins and 48 complete games for Chesbro
  4. I was an auto mechanic for a long time so I worked on a lot of celebrities cars, but there is one that stands out.My boss asked me to drive a customer home so I pulled the truck around and in climbs Donna Douglas (Elly May Clampett). I drive her home and when we get there she says please come in, I have something for you inside. I would think that she was in her early 40's at the time and I was about 25. We go into her house and in my 25 year old mind I'm thinking I'm about to be seduced by Elly May,so we go to the kitchen and she hands me a bag of avocados from her tree and a bible.Talk about misreading signs, the avocados were good and I still have the bible.She was just a very sweet person and she did not have a cement pond. The second is when I was younger I raced dirt bikes in the desert. I was entered in the Barstow to Vegas race and lined up handlebar to handlebar with about a 1000 bikes. My buddy's bike starts running rough so he goes back to camp to fix it. It's about 15 minutes to the start time and this bike pulls up in his spot and asks if he can start there.This guy starts asking me questions about my bike and then he takes off his helmet and it's Steve McQueen. This was a couple of years after Bullitt, we talk for a while and he shakes my hand a says good luck, just seemed like a cool guy.
  5. Nice, I have that print hanging on my wall. I am a huge Mantle fan, he signed my hat at a game in 1963 at Dodger Stadium.The Yankees beat the Angels 7-0,Whitey Ford beat Dean Chance.
  6. The Padres got him from the White Sox for James Shields. I think the Padres did good.
  7. Because first base coach Scott Coolbaugh was stuck by a baseball and was killed.That happened in 2007 so MLB decided to wear helmets in 2008.
  8. You're so right,we could do without another generation going through this.
  9. This is just devastating news, I am truly heartbroken.
  10. Bour is also slashing .182/.333/.227/.561 against LH pitchers this year. .227 slugging!
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