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Posts posted by well_red

  1. can't believe anyone who has had to deal with a commute through LA is opposed to driverless cars.  i used to drive from long beach to hollywood every day up the 110 to the 101 and i guarantee you that commute would've been half as long if you didn't let all the morons anywhere near the gas pedal.  the problem in LA isn't really the number of cars on the road, it's the speed that people drive in heavy traffic, causing frequent hard braking and a cascading gridlock effect backwards.  driverless cars (presumably) won't have a incessant road rage and feel the need to try to "win" traffic, just a nice steady 30-40 mph through the downtown interchange with sensible merging and few lane changes. 

  2. On 3/13/2018 at 11:28 PM, red321 said:

    One thing ive found though. Make sure it’s a liquor store that moves beer quickly. Good Hop based beers can become bad beers real quick if not stored cold and if they get old. 30-60 days...90 days max. The fresher the better. Look at the canned and bottled date. I stopped going to the closest to me...more than once didn’t pay attention and realized the beer was well past its prime. 

    hmm, the ipa was developed so hoppy to better survive the long boat trip to india?  though i'd imagine the original ipa's tasted nothing like a sculpin' or stone.

  3. 1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

    I can't believe people are actually supporting this.  

    So many great causes in the world,

    Absolutely, think these two need to face reality and a bunch of people bailing them out rather than helping those with real problems is embarrassing.  I do have to say though, if they only have $90 and no debt then they are doing a lot better than most millenials. 

  4. I don't understand the optimism around Pujols having a "bounce-back" year.  His biggest weakness is he's slow as shit and can barely run and nothing can change that.  I don't think it is temporary injuries, he's getting old and has had a bunch of leg & foot problems and that's a consequence.  Maybe he'll hit 30 home runs but he's still gonna be otherwise limited to singles to the wall, gdips, and getting thrown out at first from shallow left field.  

  5. 8 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

    Except I am not doing that.  Why is it any better or worse to reject it out of hand?

    sorry you seem like a reasonable person don't mean to attack you in particular.  this is just act 47 in the dog & pony show that is post-Trump politics.

  6. 34 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

    This is a really stupid post.

    you don't see the irony in people accepting on face value this highly political memo by a partisan stooge about a judge accepting on face value a highly political FISA warrant request by a partisan stooge?  


  7. hilarious that anyone thinks this FISA judge was "duped" by the dossier, because that would mean he is the stupidest judge on the planet.  literally that's his job, to judge the evidence on merit for "probable cause."  absolutely no way a political dossier created by a foreigner for payment was the only evidence used here, it had to be corroborated by something else.  

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