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Posts posted by jsnpritchett

  1. 42 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    I’m right there with ya, I started suggesting that last year. Almost all those arms either were hurt last year and a bunch retired already. 

    Yep.  And a few of the remaining guys turn 26 (or even 27, in the case of Mason Erla) before the start of next season.  If you're going to draft college pitchers with 19 of your 20 picks, you'd probably hope more than two of them would have made the majors in the fourth season after they were drafted.  Seems like pure dumb luck would have let them find one gem in that mix.

  2. 21 minutes ago, AngelsLakersFan said:

    That's a pretty interesting data point that I think might be a bit more enlightening than the test results themselves.

    Well, yes, the recruit ratio is always something we look at.  It's an indication of the marketing ease/difficulty of the movie on a DNA level, basically.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    With the box office having an historically bad year, have you been noticing less enthusiasm from the folks who preview the movies?

    Do you mean are we seeing lower test screening scores? If so, no. Scores are more or less where they have been. 

    It is slightly harder to recruit people to show up for test screenings for mid-tier/marginal movies, though. Not a huge difference yet, but it's somewhat noticeable. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, greginpsca said:

    Do you think getting rid of one level of the minor leagues has caused teams to  rush some players?

    I don't think it's that.  I think it's what totdprods mentioned in his post: it's primarily a way to control costs.  If you think you can get similar(ish) production from a young guy who's essentially "free" compared to a free agent/veteran who might cost you $10M+, $20M+, etc., at some point, it becomes worth the risk to just take a shot with the younger guy and see what happens.  For example, if I'm the GM and my choice is between paying Griffin Canning $24M or calling up Caden Dana to fill that slot, then Dana is gonna be coming up pretty darn quick.  Of course, it's rarely a one-for-one choice like that, but you get the point. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    Another thing to think about…let’s say we keep Rengifo and Ward for the next couple years. Sandoval and Canning too. And assume they stay healthy and producing around what they have been, maybe a little better.

    Are any of them QO candidates when they hit free agency?

    I’m in no way saying they deserve them now, or that a comp pick is better than what we’d get if we traded them now or next year. Just curious if you think any would be on track for a QO when they hit FA, should they maintain or slightly improve what they’ve been doing.

    Part of the reason I’m asking is that I do believe MLB is somewhat rapidly transitioning to a league where even just solid college players, not just the best, and even some HS players, are becoming increasingly fast-tracked. I think this is the new way the owners will combat rising salaries. They’re going to “rush” guys compared to what most of us long-timers are used to seeing for a player’s development schedule. We may already be seeing the Angels try to be at the forefront of this approach. Should that continue…maybe having a bunch of comp draft picks in the next 2-3 winters actually will be better than what we get in trade, at least in terms of the team being able to have more power of choice over who they receive, more controlled years, a more aligned timeline…maybe it’s just my conspiracy theory though.

    Teams might be increasingly hesitant to deal young talent because of this, even more than before, and that might mean these guys we could deal really don’t get the haul back we’d like, even if they are hot commodities. Also, the Angels also have the sort of payroll to weather someone like Ward or Sandoval accepting a 1/$24m QO. 

    This could also be a way they recoup some picks if they sign big name FAs still, as means to avoid the mistake they made signing so many top FAs all those years. 

    I would be surprised if any of the four you mentioned would be real candidates for the qualifying offer, regardless of whether the payroll would have room for someone to accept it.  I am still baffled by why anyone would want to hold on to Canning at this point, regardless.  But, yeah, none of them seem like QO candidates. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

    First thing the halos need is to do is stop blaming managers.   Letting Perry and his analytics guys off the hook for the last 3 years is a problem.

    Yes, Arte needs to either let a Baseball ops guy run the program, or sell, but Perry needs to be gone.

    Injuries over the past 2 years derailed the team but the absence of quality guys ready to step up falls on the GM.

    Ah, so now you're admitting one of the biggest issues is the lack of talent.  Nice to see you finally coming around.

  7. 9 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

    1-27, the old Adell is back with lots of Ks (11) and few walks (ZERO).


    4 minutes ago, Rollinghard said:

    1-27 with 11 Ks. How bad is that compared to other MLB players slumps? Seems really horrible. Has Altuve ever gone 1 for 27? 

    For what it's worth, he's actually 1 for 28 with 13 K.  His only hit was a HR.

    And it's a bad slump, but not completely unheard of.

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