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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. You're assuming that the wall street tax will actually be what funds it. How many times at a state or federal level have you heard politicians say the tax on ___ will fund ___ then it backfires? Pretty much every damn time. Just like how the lottery was supposed to fix schools. A good portion of the money doesn't end up where it's supposed to. In the 2012 CA elections the good voters of CA voted to raise taxes on the higher earners on the "think of the children" rally cries. What people didn't know is that the additional tax revenue went to the general fund of which only a certain percentage had to go towards schools while the rest gets pissed away on pet projects. As far as college goes attending doesn't make you smarter. It's supposed to prepare you for the real world and work which is still largely dependent on the student. Plenty of people go to college, party it up while enjoying the "college experience" for so many years then end up in a job they didn't need a degree for. I'm not in favor of paying for that experience.
  2. I feel like there should be Benny Hill music playing while I read through the thread.
  3. Not really surprising if you know anyone who grew up in the crappy parts of Santa Ana or have ever been through there yourself. My buddy's wife told us years ago about how when she would stay at her cousins house in Santa Ana growing up pretty much every night they heard gunshots and how some of her family in the area says it still happens.
  4. No but to live in certain parts of California or parts of any other state or country that's the way it is. You can disagree until you're red in the face but things cost more in certain areas and that will never change. If I want to live in Manhattan or many parts of NYC I need to rake it in and may still end up in a small studio where the toilet is 2 feet from my bed. If you think any politician is going to change this you're delusional because even if they raise tax rates and try to re-distribute the wealth you know who's going to be living much nicer than the rest of us - politicians and the 1%. All that redistribution will do is make it so that someone like you who gets by right now while working an honest living supporting his wife and kids is no better off than the guy at walmart who had like 15+ kids with 15 different women.
  5. It's calculating pro-Bernie. Until changes are actually implemented and the CBO or an outside entity run the numbers I'm not going to put faith in any page, especially one put out by Bernie/Hillary/Trump or their fans that says it going to save money. That's like trusting an account statement from Bernie Madoff.
  6. Every year the team that "wins" the offseason according to ESPN and other sites is one that dishes out at least one big long-term contract. Very rarely do those work out and we've see how far "winning" the offseason got the Angels in recent years. Winning the offseason is like getting a gold star in kindergarten.
  7. What has the federal government fixed on a large scale in the last few decades? Honest question because if our options are what's going on now or them taking more money out of my pocket, getting more involved in citizens lives and speeding up our demise I'll take the former. The federal government is the epitome of waste and mismanagement, doesn't operate like any business would and we're facing the problems we are now because of things they've implemented.
  8. How does that prove insurance sucks at what it does? Costs associated with it are an issue but it's a service that costs money just like anything else in life. I'm guessing if the people going BK survive because of the service provided or it gives them a better quality of life that beats the alternative.
  9. The system still works but you have to actually work, make wise choices and be responsible for your actions. Socialism in whatever form you want to call it and everything Bern is promising that he won't deliver if elected is just to buy votes from people who'd rather have something handed to them then actually work for it.
  10. Came across an article that I thought was pertinent to the discussion at hand: http://thefederalist.com/2016/02/15/why-so-many-millennials-are-socialists/
  11. I'm guessing its because if he signed autographs like he chased down fly balls he knows he'll be there signing for at least 24 hours.
  12. 1. Gary Johnson That's honestly all I have because I don't know much about Kasich and right now I don't see any situation where I'm voting for Trump, Hillary or Sanders.
  13. That's not necessarily true because tax revenue the government collects is being spent on agencies/projects/etc. that create jobs or ends up in the hands of people who spend it. That said obviously there's a point where over taxation can negatively impact the economy and consumers. Regardless as myself and multiple other people pointed out giving more money to a government running massive deficits that can't live within it's means is asinine.
  14. I don't really have any sympathy for the thief but taking the kids pants when it's snowing is a bit much. Also posting the picture online is what's called evidence but some people would rather brag or look cool than not implicate themselves.
  15. No he's not. His timing is premature but he's stating the fact that many teams face with a star or superstar - if you aren't contending and the guy won't sign an extension do you trade him to get the best deal or risk losing him to FA? Trout's 5 years from FA so it's not worth discussing in the next 3 years but if the franchise isn't competitive in the next 3-4 years that's the reality the Angels may be facing. A lot will happen between now and then and only time will tell.
  16. So it creates jobs while cutting out people who shouldn't be receiving welfare. It would cost more in the short term but in the long run it would reduce welfare fraud/abuse.
  17. Nate - regarding welfare I came across an article yesterday that I think was posted here months ago discussing how Maine required able bodied adults who don't have kids to complete a certain number of work, volunteer or job training hours before becoming eligible: http://usherald.com/maine-welfare-recipients-must-work-for-their-benefits/ Not sure what the aftermath was since this was back in April but I thought it was interesting.
  18. AJ you give way too much credit to politicians and in this case Sanders. In this or another thread you said something to the effect "well if his team came out with the numbers I'm sure they researched them" like that was the end all be all of the discussion. More power to you for being an optimist but at the same time you're more an idealist than a realist.
  19. Hypothetically even if Bernie gets elected and his tax plan is put in motion he ultimately won't control how quite a bit of it is spent. Yeah a budget will be set but other elected officials will use it to fund their pet projects when agreements are made and legislation is pushed through while we continue to run deficits. It's amazing that people are willing to give a government that's been inefficient and wasteful more money expecting them to suddenly reverse course.
  20. Sounds like he passed up a lot of money making opportunities that could have benefited his campaign but luckily it doesn't sound like he's short on donors. Regardless somebody somewhere is paying for it, tinstaafl. In all seriousness that's admirable but I just don't agree with raising taxes. If I had to vote right now it wouldn't be for any of the R or D candidates.
  21. Yes it's a marginal tax rate and the higher you go in each bracket the more your effective tax rate (i.e. total tax rate) goes up. For 2016 if your taxable income literally just pushes you into the 39.6% tax bracket by $1 your effective federal tax rate is actually 29%. There's no trade off to take because that's how a progressive tax system which we have in the US works and we're talking about a plan to raise taxes on everyone.
  22. A sales tax or flat tax is a pipe dream as far as replacing income taxes goes. I'd wager we're much more likely to see some form of a VAT implemented to go along with income taxes rather than seeing it replace income taxes.
  23. Not so smart when the house burns down and 6 generations don't make it out of the garage that's been converted to a bedroom in time.
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