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Everything posted by UndertheHalo

  1. We've had worse groups recently, 2013 for example. But at least they were shit most of the time and I could accept that without tuning in all the time. This group makes me watch at 3 in the morning when I'm traveling, it's a traumatic experience.
  2. I feel like every year I end up hating a new group of fans. The only ones that never change are the stupid Doyers and Red Sox. I hate the Red Sox fans becuase of ..... well, everything and the dodgers I try not to hate but no matter what I will always find some fan that makes me hate all of them again. These Astros fans, they seem like a**holes.
  3. Yea by no means did I dislike DiPoto, I liked him and was sorry too see him go. That said, I'm not gonna mourn his resignation. He didn't have to do it the way he did, but he did so... Ok we'll move on. It's not gonna ruin the franchise. There's other good baseball people out there, I'm confident we'll find one.
  4. I know other outlets covered it, cnn also had it as headline news and I absolutely agree that WSJ is a far more reputable source of news. I overzealously tried to make a point about Fox News specifically, because I'll admit it....I don't like Fox News.....at all. That said, I still believe the general spirit of the point is accurate. Anyway, I mostly wish I hadn't because the tone of the thread has now been about how I tried to pick on Fox News when it should have been about the actual story.
  5. Did we ever get any reason for why Calhoun was benched earlier today ?
  6. In my mind Jerry quit and he did so in a bad way that compromised the team. Really, how awful could it have been. He did some good things and he botched a few, we'll find someone else.
  7. Good riddance anyway, CJ seems about ready for his post July swoon. I guess you can only write about how shitty the team is doing for so long before you gotta mix it up with anonymous players talking shit drama.
  8. Agreed, we just don't have the resources for this big splash trades that some of you guys are calling for. Even if we foolishly traded Newcomb, our package still wouldn't have been enough to beat torontos for tulo, and probably not enough for us to out bid the mets on cespedes. That said I still do hope we try and get a longer term solution in the offseason. Cespedes would be good.
  9. Well, it's not bullshit. You know as well as I do that Fox would be screaming from the roof tops if this was Arab on Israeli violence. My mistake was missing that they posted an AP report. It still doesn't change that it was barely a footnote on the bottom of their page when they finally did report it (the story is gone from the page now) anyway it's not really that important a point overall in regards to the story. My bad I missed the AP part.
  10. Cespedes can be had w/o surrendering a pick in the draft. It would be very pleasing to me if we acquired him this off season.
  11. Obviously they're extremists, my point.....poorly made clearly......was that on Fox News where they LOVE throwing around the T word, this apparently failed to be an act committed by terrorists as in the title called them extremeists. If masked guys show up to burn down a house with people inside I'd say that clearly crosses the threshold into terrorism. Also, I did not see the AP report.
  12. Yea, I'm sure he's in terrible pain. Lol, these are always the funny DL moves. Good riddance anyway. Bring on Weave and the 80mph fastball
  13. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/31/middleeast/palestinian-price-tag-attack/index.html Fox News describes the assailants as "extremists" Fair and Balanced indeed.
  14. Im disappointed that we have lost the last two games. I'm a bit concerned about Richards because he just doesn't look as dominant as he was last year. I am not disappointed in the team tho or the year, we are in pretty good shape going forward and just need to win this last game in Houston to get tied back up, the situation with the new players is still new and we don't have Trout (of course that matters a lot) get out of here with a tie and we'll take care of the Astros at home.
  15. I pretty much think AJ's assessment here is spot on....that said, I'm happy with what we did. We are better then we're were a few days ago and we still have our pitching depth. That said, I would like to see us pursue A more regular LF in the offseason. I like Cespedes personally. 2b and 3b are also positions that need to be addressed.
  16. Royals got a lot better just now. Astros also got better with the Kazmir acquisition. Need stoneman and the gang to make something happen.
  17. Seems to me the perfect trade would be simple. CJ Wilson straight up with the Doyers for Andre Ethier. Its strange to me that there isnt more smoke around that kind of deal. Would serve the needs of both clubs perfectly. In my mind Newcomb is untouchable. The deal that we would need to make it worth it is likely not out there. I would also love to get Cespedes if the intention was to retain him long term, but again only if it doesnt cost Newcomb.
  18. And now news that Jason Vargas needs tommy john that's not good at all for the royals.
  19. Agree that our line up depth is bad and we need another solid bat. Infact, ideally it would be nice to get a legit 5 type bat and the mythical unicorn lead off hitter not named mike trout (our long suffering at 3b is like a herd of unicorns but at least Freese could reasonably be described as mediocre) that all said, I don't think this season there is a real "power" team in the AL. If we get to the dance we should be in the mix imo. We do have the 2nd best record after all.
  20. I don't think that's necessarily true, our starting pitching is much better then what they have. Plus we have the Trout.
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