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Everything posted by 2112

  1. Chuck Finley. I know the front office was in turmoil (Stoneman was just hired) but I really wanted them to bring him back. David Eckstein for the crappy way the Angels handled it (non tender).
  2. I was in the outfield, my knees hitting the seat in front of me (and I'm short legged). The man next told me there was less room on the 3rd base side. The fans I met were friendly. I liked US Cellular. Very nice stadium. I guess it's not as fancy as the others. Wrigley is a dump, imho.
  3. Funny. I thought it was going to be about Brandon.
  4. And nothing on why he was charged for cup. You should have gave him the empty cup instead of throwing it away. Nitwit.
  5. Mexican isn't a race. They're Western European, which makes them white. The white card doesn't work anywhere, sorry.
  6. I'm glad Arch got that. I was like, huh?
  7. I would like Albert to show more patience at the plate. If nothing is there, walk.
  8. I remember as a kid (1977? 78?) an Angel player stated that making it to the World Series was a win. That both teams were winners. I agreed with that then, I agree with that now. It would be painful to lose 3-2 in the 7th game of the World Series, but I would be proud of the team.
  9. Funny, I was just going to post something similar. The 2009 season Albert's protection (4th and 5th batters) was worse with the Cards than with the Angels last year. Yet he took the walk then. Pitch selection has definitely changed.
  10. That's a hard one. I think Mathis has the better arm. After all Iannetta barely gets the ball to 2nd base, while Mathis air mails it to centerfield.
  11. Wow. Missed this one with all the excitement here. Buck and Boesch gone. Marte is a known PED user.
  12. What? No "turn the page"? No "hats off" ? No buffet till niece spring?
  13. I would be happy with 3 in this series. Why not put him in the line up, and after the first pitch, have Cowgill, or even that cute ball girl take his place?
  14. At this point I am not counting on the Angels coming back, but I don't see a lot of moves that can be done based on this series. Sure Hamilton should not have been playing. I wonder of course who made the decision that he was ready to go. I really expected to be lamenting about the pitching performances of the Angels, not about the offense not showing at all. Also I think Salas is getting a bad rap in game one. It was one bad pitch, and even then a slow breaking ball should not go out at night in October. I do know I am recording this game and will go visit my sister, instead of watching every minute of the game like I did the the last two.
  15. Well this is not how I expected the Angels to go out. I was afraid of the pitchers giving it up. That has not been the case. Excellent starts by Weaver and Shoe. Jeppy wasn't good this inning, but other than that one bad pitch by Salas yesterday. This is really going to make the offseason bitter for me.
  16. Its been forever since I lived there. People in Covina don't eat chicken,
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