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Everything posted by 2112

  1. That reminded me of the scouting report from the book Ball Four: "Million dollar arm, 10 cent head, remove head, instant 20 game winner."
  2. I guess with all this hand wringing and stabbing of eye out, everyone missed the post about us getting Jesus!!! The Cubs had Jesus and they gave them to us!!!
  3. I like Santiago, but he was basically a 5 inning starter.
  4. I don't know what to say. Any money coming back to the Angels?
  5. And gets Gio out of the lineup. I guess I have a man-hate complex with Gio. Would even be ok with Trent Durrington coming back.
  6. I get the feeling the Angels won't make any trades.
  7. So if someone offered a Coors Light straight up for Albert Pujols, you would say no? i ask merely for information.
  8. Or trading Pujols for beer money.
  9. If he net you a starting pitcher that is close to MLB ready, I think go ahead and trade him. if not put him at 2nd and trade Gio for box of balls.
  10. I think that losing Trop really hurt the organization. But I think a good idea if they deal Hector, maybe they should send Alvarez down and stretch him out. He is a former starter after all.
  11. I sometimes wondered why Trop would only go 5 innings, and had arm issues. Could this part of it? He also said his arm was sore after warming up this game like it was after a game. Should your arm be sore after a game? Tired, yes, but sore?
  12. Is it just me, or is the perfect place for Gallo would be Texas?
  13. If he works out at all, he could take over for Gio when Gio starts to get expensive.
  14. His complete game 13 K performance nets him AL player of the week!
  15. I think Giovatella is good for 2b for the time being but is a position that can be upgraded in the future. His defense is poor, and all of his obp is his batting average. While his cost is low, use him. But another team offers anything, I say let him go.
  16. One thing about Chacin, then I'll be quiet about it. A chance for a few weeks in the bullpen might help him, and he can take over for one of the other tanking starters. I hope that Scioscia uses him in multiple innings, so he stays stretched out.
  17. I wonder if that's it for Alvarez. I believe he was up the whole year last year.
  18. If he wants an education, bank the million (I read somewhere the Angels can go up 1.3). Consult the Angels on taking college classes ( they have helped others do it). I believe they have something worked out with one of the big Arizona schools. If baseball doesn't work out, take part of the banked million and finish school.
  19. Finally saw the highlights - on ESPN of all places. Damn. Good game,
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