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Everything posted by Ordos

  1. Anyone remember how many laws Obama passed to this point vs. Trump? I don't care enough to look, but I'm curious if the theory of Trump doing more holds water. And no, I'm not really interested in comparing EO vs EO, since I'm not a big fan of them anyway.
  2. That sucks. RIP Totally did not have him in a dead pool this year.
  3. Meanwhile, the second half of the ludicrousness... Higher education costs are absolutely insane.
  4. This thread sure went off a cliff quickly...
  5. Don't forget sterilization too. Can't have the dregs like this breeding, creating additional miscreants. Obviously wouldn't need if they're exterminated, put perhaps for the lesser crimes.
  6. The Trump-Russia story continues to do damage. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-sought-to-enlist-intelligence-officials-key-lawmakers-to-counter-russia-stories/2017/02/24/c8487552-fa99-11e6-be05-1a3817ac21a5_story.html
  7. Do you know Keyshawn Johnson? You sound like him
  8. That was not specifically directed at you. I should have clarified
  9. So... valid to do, because Obama did? Or do we all agree that it shouldn't be done?
  10. You guys are making excuses, which to me is giving a free pass to the next Dem Pres to disregard your favored news outlet. Will you go quietly then?
  11. What does a Super Tuesday primary coverage graphic have to do with Trump?
  12. Ok, I'll play along. A challenge, first for the Conservatives in the room. Feel free to answer any/all, but try to do so without insults of the left or name calling - remember, you can't claim that as a reason, if you do the same in turn. Why did you vote for Trump? If you didn't, why did you prefer him over HRC? What do you want most to see from him, and why? What do you feel is the biggest complaint against government that they (gov or the left) haven't listened to your opinion/solutions on?
  13. Bin Laden was Catholic? Whoa, I've been totally wrong for awhile
  14. But they can be changed to new servers, costing us the glory of the ghost shark, et al.
  15. Quick question, to play devil's advocate... you say blame the judge, be he didn't pull the trigger. Is this not giving a pass, of sorts, to the shooter? It sounds awfully similar to those on the left assigning blame to gun manufacturers, rather than the criminals that commit the crime.
  16. By database, you mean country, yes?
  17. I agree with a lot of this, though I laugh at the assertion that Trump is the white knight in the scenario. It completely ignores his dealings with Cambridge Analytica, and gives him a free pass on any culpability. Oh, and we all here are totally on the watch list. Thanks Obama (and W, and...)
  18. It's an interesting question. His press conference was full of apologies and willingness to face the fire, quite unlike the persona he crafted.
  19. There's no place for logic in a political discussion.
  20. ...and we all cheer when they report record profits and we own their stock...
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