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Everything posted by Ordos

  1. I want to put babies on spikes. Go then! It's the American dream!
  2. Don't disagree. Just amused me to see Tucker so indignant. I find the same humor when the left attack their own.
  3. Totally from the far left media spectrum, but I'll leave this here for discussion... https://m.dailykos.com/story/2017/7/12/1680000/-Republicans-defunded-Planned-Parenthood-in-Texas-and-abortions-rose-among-teens-Who-s-surprised
  4. Put them all in jail, I wouldn't be heartbroken.
  5. I have a guess at what PornHub's next marketing campaign might be...
  6. http://thechive.com/2017/07/05/airsoft-gun-prank-pushes-gullible-guy-to-the-brink-of-insanity-video/
  7. My guess is someone dealin' won't care if they have a diploma, but I could be wrong
  8. Here's an interesting one... https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/chicago-wont-allow-high-school-students-to-graduate-without-a-plan-for-the-future/2017/07/03/ac197222-5111-11e7-91eb-9611861a988f_story.html To graduate from a public high school in Chicago, students will soon have to meet a new and unusual requirement: They must show that they’ve secured a job or received a letter of acceptance to college, a trade apprenticeship, a gap year program or the military.
  9. So, they learned well from FoxNews and Obama?
  10. Who let the dude in the dress adopt a kid?
  11. I hate what politicians have done to this country.
  12. Good lord... https://www.yahoo.com/news/baby-becomes-worlds-first-gender-marked-unknown-090706538.html The baby’s parent, Kori Doty, does not identify as male or female and prefers to use the pronoun ‘they’, and wants to raise Searyl’s genderless until the baby has a “sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are”.
  13. Anyone ready for a trade war?
  14. Yes, but how many of them do you actually want to see?
  15. News outlets can no longer count on a base of subscribers to pay the bills. Clicks and eyes drive the money again. Welcome back to yellow journalism.
  16. Also, I should have more coffee before I ramble too much.
  17. I prefer an actual balance in government, to make sure one side isn't too incompetent in one direction vs another. I'll stay skeptical of Trump's possible choice maintaining the role that Kennedy has played until I see it, if Kennedy does retire.
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