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Everything posted by Ordos

  1. Hey @Chuckster70, is the forum staying put? Or does that migrate later too?
  2. Agreed. Now if we could only get them to pick some strawberries...
  3. Tariffs worked without a hitch when Obama used them in '09 on Chinese tires. Can't wait to see how this goes
  4. Decent CNBC article suggesting he's really not looking for 20%. He is throwing out big numbers, then everyone will be happy when he "settles" for 2-3%, which was the goal all along. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/27/why-the-outrage-over-trumps-potential-20-border-tax-is-ridiculous-commentary.html
  5. If they're paying, I'll take a car with it
  6. Then I'd expect those companies to move to a different cheap labor market. Not likely they'll simply sit back and take less profit
  7. An intriguing idea. We could call it the "Keep My Strawberries Affordable Act"
  8. Considered? He worked damn hard for that recognition
  9. I wonder if I can get the Fed to pay for my house the same way... sorry, I'm not paying my taxes, you are now paying my house payment. You may be on to something
  10. I've heard a lot of positive things about Obama/HRC around here
  11. We already had the Secute Border Fence Act voted in back in 2006. Does this EO simply fund that?
  12. Thank god, I'm tired of those damn Canadians coming here for all the acting jobs
  13. And now they begin to eat their own. Go SJW!
  14. Raked against the Angels when playing us, did not even complete one Grounds Crew assignment when here. Just terrible
  15. Was that the same one? Damn, I miss that one
  16. Originally I was going to say, "The one with Claire Danes when she was hot," but my conscience got the best of me. I think she was 15 when that show started, so I didn't want to seem like that kind of a creep. Then again, I think I was 16 when I last rubbed one out to her on that show, so arguably acceptable. I'm going to need an outside ruling on this...
  17. Was that the one with Corky, or the one with Claire Danes?
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