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Everything posted by Ender

  1. When Paxton is healthy .... yeah. Wishful thinking. Never healthy and we're not competing while he is still a spring chicken. I'm ok with this. I'd trade everyone that isn't Mitch Haniger on the Mariners if I could. Embrace the tank.
  2. What are the sources? I can't read Athletic articles due to pay wall and I'm at work so I don't feel like signing up for work arounds etc
  3. It's literally unsubstantiated hearsay right now .... https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/mariners/bench-coach-manny-acta-defends-scott-servais-mariners-after-allegations-of-racism-by-lorena-martin/?amp=1 At least we didn't trade for Osuna.
  4. She has a phD. I doubt she has much issue finding a job. I'm wasting my time "defending" Jerry and anyone else associated with the Mariners to Angels fans. I'll grab my pitchfork when there is proof. Kevin Mather should have been fired.
  5. I'm not defending him ... I'm simply saying prove it. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Why was she ok staying with the organization allegedly doing this and only not ok with it when she didn't have a job?
  6. I mean it's possible they said that stuff ... but it's also not possible ... and a disgruntled employee is sometimes hard to believe. If you're going to come out with guns blazing ... I would hope you had some evidence besides he said she said. I mean this tweet was obvious coming out ... https://twitter.com/ByTimBooth/status/1062143142160302080
  7. I'm a Mariner fan. We haven't won anything ever ... so it's not like Dipoto being bad will really change anything. Par the course. But seriously, I'm getting tired of baseball in general, this is what being a Mariner fan does to you.
  8. Relief pitcher. Yawn. Dime a dozen. Yarbrough, yeah that hurts too, but Smyly was basically supposed to be him or Yarbrough is Smyly. Maybe in another world Smyly doesn't destroy his arm and he signs an extension. Carlos Vargas? Who? Who cares. Same with Luis Renigfo .... these are all players on NOBODIES prospect lists. I'll eat a poop filled shoe if Luis Facking Renigfo has a career as a starter for you guys. Peralta? Sometimes shit happens when you trade 19 year olds. He was a non-prospect when traded. Every team in baseball has trades of "no names" that end up panning out. It just happens.
  9. Smyly was bad shitty luck and I don't care about anyone in those prospect lists besides Gohara, high chance none of them amount to anything. Trading Gohara was dumb, but back then Smyly was a known quantity ... Gohara may not even be that good in the MLB anyway ... after all he was a Mariner.
  10. Wait what farm did we have that DiPoto gutted? I'm fine with trading anyone on the Mariners. Even Haniger, Diaz and Gonzales. Watching October baseball every year makes me realize how not even close we are (or anyone other than the Astros) in the AL West is to being a top team. Burn it down. Ya'll are trolls saying DiPoto fucked the M's .... we've been fucked since 2001. But keep following your narratives.
  11. Was good when it had Brandon Wood in it too. I mean I certainly envy your farm over ours, but it's not all Jerry's fault our system sucks. It's sucked for years before him. I blame Jerry for the MLB product ... But it's really the MLB players I should blame.
  12. I mean right now the sun ain't shining on either of us so ...
  13. Same Jerry. Same. I stopped watching baseball a month ago. I've been a Mariner fan my entire 35 year life and I'm Facking sick of them.
  14. I believe this is a breakdown in communication. I think we are talking about 2 different kind of scouts, sir.
  15. Yeah but we also barely avoided being swept by the Blue Jays and Rangers. #That'sJustBaseballThings
  16. Indeed. That got me to notice this thread. Also whatever to scouts.
  17. With Treinen on that team, you'll never ever ever see Fernando in a save situation.
  18. Plenty of teams would see value in Kyle Lewis, Evan White, Gilbert, Julio Rodriguez, Carlson (until his arm blew up) and Braden Bishop. Don't get me wrong. Our farm sucks (which is mostly Jack Z's fault). But it isn't absolutely barren.
  19. Yeah he's been horrible with the Segura haniger and Gonzales trades. Colome and span have been shit too. More relievers for shitty prospects and money is bad! Maybin isn't an upgrade over Heredia at all! We don't have prospects we're willing to trade that's why we didn't get any SP.
  20. This just makes the Astros look bad.
  21. Diaz hasn't pitched in like a week. Sure showed it.
  22. Lol. That I hope GR dies? Clearly full of sarcasm. Its baseball why would I want anyone to REALLY die?
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