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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Hopefully someday you guys get some more mexicans.
  2. Group: Angelswin2015 Pass: patperez
  3. People are people. Life is hard enough for most of us. We shouldn't be slinging shit at each other.
  4. It takes Maria 5 hours to do something (amazingly well) it would take me 10+ hours to do (poorly).
  5. Traveled this week and listened to the Louis CK, Mike Myers and PT Anderson episodes. All very, very entertaining.
  6. We actually tried to refer her to a friend of ours and she told us she was full. 2 houses everyday M-Sa. She's making a grand a week tax free with little to no investment. Just gas and cleaning products.
  7. Windex. Ella forgets to do the windows ese
  8. $80 per clean She comes every other Tuesday from 7:30-12:30 We don't tip but we gave her a fat Christmas bonus
  9. Odd year. We had enough Mexicans and pitching to compete
  10. My kid starts in September. 3 days a week for $310/mo. Seems reasonable to me
  11. So a dude I went to HS with has been unemployed a long time. Finally gets a job at Black & Decker. Makes a post about how he's determined to to "take over the company!". 3 days later.... "That was short lived. Got home after work. Got a phone call. Unemployed." Someone asks: "What happened?" Him: "They said I was sleeping during a training module."
  12. Honestly, it was pretty good and meaty. I threw a "I really like your bracelet" to the young african american girl who made my sandwich. But I was expecting $6-$8. I never look at prices and usually just assume what it is going to be.
  13. I have to pat my kids ass for anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes for him to go to sleep. At first, I was pretty annoyed that he can't put himself to sleep yet. Now, it allows me to watch movies on my phone. I'll finish it. I think I forgot to mention: Jack Reacher - 8/10 Pretty cool thriller
  14. Went to Togo's today. 6 inch pulled pork, baked lays and regular drink were $11. ****ers
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