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Everything posted by cysomeawfulpitcher

  1. Am I the only one who thought she was hotter in Blues Brothers than the SW movies? Joliet Jake messed up leaving her at the altar.
  2. Christian Bale Scar Jo Shia LaBeouf J Ho Ashton Kutcher Angelina Jolie Megan Fox Dane Cook Jeremy Renner
  3. Bowfinger would like to have a word with you. That's the last decent comedy he AND Martin ever did.
  4. If there's one actor I want to beat the crap out of, it's Shia. I Redboxed Lawless just to see him get hiss ass kicked. Naked Chastain was a nice bonus as well.
  5. Just Redboxed Wreck It Ralph. On top of being a great movie, as someone born in 1980, it was a nice trip back to games I grew up with.
  6. Being president during a stock market high of late makes one a socialist? You learn something new everyday from Fox News.
  7. Thanks, gonna rent Late Quartet just because my favorite actor, PS Hofmann, is in it.
  8. My #1 celeb crush for 8 years. You, sir, have good taste. Also fails for having no Charlize Theron while including Roberts,Hilton,Madonna,Fox and "Hilton 2.0" Kartrashian.
  9. No wonder those right of Atilla retardicans won't invite him to CPAC. It's more than Obama hug cooties.
  10. I usually get discount codes texted to me by them every so often. Love it.
  11. Let me know when there's a Rachel McAdams look alike in SoCal but with bigger boobs.
  12. I'm getting an Alice In Wonderland 2010 vibe from the previews so...never.
  13. Just gave The Master a 2nd viewing on Redbox after seeing it at the Claremont Laemmle last fall. PS Hoffman is my favorite actor.
  14. One of my favorite bands when I was in junior high.
  15. You'd have to be on drugs to think he's done anything worth listening to since the 80s.
  16. No, he needs to "pray" his way out of this "just to make it today."
  17. 95-100% of reality tv Unless it's a game show, documentary or on PBS, my attitude is like Phil Collins. I don't care anymore.
  18. ""Why would a band like RUSH regroup, yuck." Oh, the irony considering that Rush only changed one member and that was after their first album while the two douche and douchier are the only two from the original Eagles lineup still in with god knows how many lineup changes. Mojo Nixon was right.
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