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Everything posted by cysomeawfulpitcher

  1. You forgot the white republican China ass kisser from Queens, you racist crackkker.
  2. Even when the Astros get their karma, we still manage to screw up. There's a thing called talent. They don't have it.
  3. A baseball equivalent of that British football team from the Tom Brady episode of Family Guy could forking beat us. Even Rachel Phelps would be disgusted by Farte.
  4. One of the most annoying hipsters ever. She's the Kartrashian of boring indie music. Don't get me started on Phoebe what's her name?
  5. So we’re only gonna win series against Miami and White Sox and even lose against meh teams. Sick of this Rachel Phelps crap from Moreno.
  6. Another year where we lose to teams we could easily beat but end up being the hare to the tortoise winner. Why do you hate us, Farte?
  7. And I'm just talking about him giving us the Kartrashians.
  8. If only he were still alive. Miss you, Norm.
  9. Ironic since Inez is an Angels fan and it's 22 years ago this week. RIP Layne. Anthony is a bum in a box.
  10. I see Farte decided to go full Rachel Phelps celebrating the 35th anniversary of Major League. Nice going you "jackass" as Joe Flaherty (RIP) would say.
  11. Holdovers is the best movie of last year and 2nd best behind Election for Alex Payne. It's a cliche to say they don't make movies like this anymore but this kind of restored my faith in cinema this decade. Also, that insult at end is hilarious.
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