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Everything posted by cysomeawfulpitcher

  1. As someone who is "California" sober, this hits home for me. Got into edibles in late October, haven't had a drink since late January and am 30 pounds lighter. No lies detected.
  2. This team gets more and more remedial each year. It's like Ohtani and Trout are Pin Pals and everyone else is Mr. Burns.
  3. Yep, we're losing to the teams we should beat on paper again. Good ol' Angels baseball. That KC and Colorado choke job were no fluke. Next thing you know, we'll be the hare to the Oakland tortoise ffs.
  4. Because we're THE team that defines tortoise v hare. Guess which one we are!
  5. Rewatched Grosse Pointe Blank on MGM+ recently. We lost a great. ”I’ll give it a shot.” ”No, don’t shoot!”
  6. And the pitching makes us hares losing to the tortoise again. This ain't the 27 Yanks you weenies!
  7. And we follow it with runs scored on terrible pitching. Newsflash, you can have both runs and good pitching at the same time, you bums!
  8. As long as we have our remedial blowpen, no dice. Forget playoffs. Winning streaks?
  9. Ironically, the injured players could play better than the current "healthy" ones. That's how embarrassing we've been this decade.
  10. And we make a bad team look like the 27 Yanks again with the blowpen. Thanks for nothing, you blockheads.
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