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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. They haven't tried to lure a team at least not publicly. Even when the proposals were coming down for St Louis , Raiders and Chargers no where did Anaheim try to lure someone.
  2. I think we found our answer to why stuff hasn't been built for the fans around the stadium. If Arte isn't doing it he will sue to stop it. Lower beer prices so more people can be drunk driving home. Arte is the cause for the dui increase in Anaheim.
  3. Even if they get all these call ups. Mike S isn't one to just play a guy for the rest of the year people will get random pinch hit spots and random spot starts here and there but he really isn't going to start someone over the other people to get an eye in the future. He doesn't believe in the future he believes in winning games now for the detriment of the long term future
  4. This Arte guy is really putting a kind of dislike for the Angels organization from me.
  5. Just what the world needs more litigation. Absolute laughable, didn't win the bid now I'm gonna sue. Makes sense.
  6. How do you tear a University in Irvine
  7. As long as the person has two legs and two arms I'm good. Hell even one arm and I think we one this deal
  8. Awesome performance. Didn't see it. The sports app notified me the game ended and he pitched a shut out wow. Good for him.
  9. He definitely isn't an icon. It's really not hard to figure out why he isn't. He doesn't say anything in the media. It's baseball. And it's not the Dodgers it's the Angels.
  10. But what was that 1? Crosses finger it was a dribbler to 1st
  11. Dirty peanut gone. I'm sure the prospect is the greatest 48 year old relief pitcher in the world who still can't get above Single A
  12. What stats are you using to prove this ? His avg response is still pretty high. He strikes out at a high rate and still has some power numbers
  13. I said if he is on a last place team he should be leading the league head and shoulders in something like those categories he isn't. if your one last place team show me something I've never seen before in a category I know not some random war stat. If he was on a better team he'd put up better run scoring and rbi numbers but he's not. He's amazing. On a last place team he shouldn't win mvp. And yes the games are relevant to other teams just not the Angels. When the Angels are in last place the only relevance there is to Angels fans or players will be how much time left till they can go on vacation.
  14. It's no longer Friday fiction is no longer an option. You must choose from a whole new bunch of multiple choice options
  15. You guys are acting like 2 year olds. I never said he wasn't the best player in the league he is. But I'm sorry imo you can't give it to a player who is on a last place team. I'm not saying you have to give it to the best player on the best team. But at least be on a team that's relevant. The Angels are fighting pretty hard towards top 5 pick status. Meaning of the games have to have some relevance not well they might move into tied for 5th with this win.
  16. He's the best all around player in baseball. Hes not driving in runs at a huge rate. He doesn't have the most steals. He doesn't lead the league in scoring runs. He leads in walks and adjusted ops + which I don't know what that means he's great no ones disputing that. But if your gonna get MVP as the best player on the worst team you better league the lead in scoring runs or driving in runs
  17. Tell me other than this precious WAR stat. What's Trout leading the league in?
  18. you can have all the war in the world but last place is still last place and the Angels with or with out him are last place. So MVP means jack he doesn't deserve it
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