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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. They trade before their 30 I wouldn't trade till they are. How olds Donaldson?
  2. I'm down. I'd rather keep my team young and hungry and in the last year of a deal right before they hit 30 trade for prospects then to sign anyone over 30 to 7 8 year contracts. Just bizarre to me
  3. Unless baseball wakes up and stops guaranteed contracts this stuff will continue to happen. After the age of 30 I wouldn't touch a free agent with more than a 3 year deal
  4. Says who? And it's his team his revenue and his stadium. When I bought my house I didn't ask the city to pay for it. I got a loan and paid for it. Which he can do just as easily. Even more so.
  5. Arte already won. But claiming he's broke and can't afford to pay for a new stadium is shit. Cities should not be spending a dime to build a stadium for billionaire owners especially because the economic value isn't there. Arte wins good for him and he's done very very well for himself. But him taking his team outside of Anaheim doesn't hurt Anaheim at all. All it hurts is the fans. And hey they will be on tv so giant don't care. If and when he sells he will pocket a cool billion or more. No ones suggesting he won't come out ahead. Just saying the city shouldn't pay for him to pocket extra money that they don't have to. We've already discussed at length previously why it's dumb for cities to spend millions to build a stadium for an owner. Really the only thing you need to watch is this video. And you will know what's wrong.
  6. Chargers ownership is cheap and have no money compared to the rest of the owners other than Davis. The reason they want to move to LA is because they get a free new stadium with additional revenue streams. He reason it's taken forever for the Chargers to get a deal done in SD is because they want the city to build them one and the city doesn't want to fork over the whole bill. Hell it still hasn't gotten done and the NFL has said they will chip in 250-500 mil. That's how cheap and broke Spanos is.
  7. That would be awesome. But there's no reason to say anything publicly. They will make Arte look like the bad guy when he takes the Angels elsewhere
  8. They keep asking I'm not bringing this shit up
  9. We got the Ducks. Unless you get an owner in who will build a new stadium by himself id pass. I'd hate to see them leave. But if it's raise taxes to pay for new stadium or they left I'd prefer they left
  10. I think what's best for all parties is he takes his team elsewhere. I don't want Orange County paying for a stadium that will cause the city and its residents to have to pay for it
  11. So did Timmah in SLC so I don't know what the hell that means
  12. Screw Arte but the great news is what we were saying in the other thread is coming true a grove mixed used shopping dining and living area is coming to Anaheim which if the Angels are there or not should be awesome to see. It'll take 3-5 years but that's still awesome to see them get this shit under way
  13. No owner in sports are losing money. There's a reason Balmer and the super co bought the Clippers and Dodgers for 2 billion a piece. It's not because they are money drainers it's because they are raking in the cash. They just want you to think they are losing money because than they can say oh I didn't spend it on this guy because I couldn't afford it
  14. Make up your own story I just provided that he was multiple times not why he was.
  15. Make money yes. Get free shit fuck no. I love in the article the Angels say having good food around the stadium will stop people from buying there food. Hey guess what Angels fucking get good food in your stadium then not the piles of garbage you sell now. It's f'ing disgusting the food they serve.
  16. He's making plenty of money he's just acting like he's poor to get free land. He signed a billion or 2 tv contract he gets right offs he has the stadium deals advertising etc. he's making plenty of cash hand over fist.
  17. Disney is better for the city of Anaheim than the Angels. A Disney employee a friend of mine was saying that in Anaheim there's a 2% hotel tax? Is that true. I've never stayed in a hotel in Anaheim so I have no clue.
  18. I never said why he got kicked out so ya. It's not because he was high or drunk.
  19. How do they calculate good base running. Is it mostly steals runs scored and outs on the base paths? Because there's no way someone is watching every game I'm guessing? How is altuve worse on the base paths? He had more stolen bases so do stolen bases not count as much because you could potentially any thrown out more? So are station to station base runners more valued in that saber metric war type thinking?
  20. Honestly it really doesn't matter. I didn't come on here to bash Weaver. I honestly don't care about drug use as I've stated before where I think all of it should any legal. Especially in sports. Where do you think this motivation comes from. How does me making up a story enhance my online presence on Angelswin at all. It's a funny story that I brought up to argue about even if Puig was on drugs I wouldn't care.
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