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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. Ok. Again I don't know what those random super stats mean but how far and above the next person is he in those stats than the people he is competing against in the award.
  2. Because it should mean something. If it's most valuable player to me that means you've helped your team win and if you help your team win enough to get to the post season that should mean something. this is gonna ramble so forgive me. In football if your team is always down you stop running the ball so your qb gets a ton of passing yards and touchdowns. But it really doesn't matter cause you were down by 20 or 30 pts anyway. Eventually you have to put up those numbers to win actual games not just a stat guy. Would you rather have Peyton or Brady. Peyton's stats were better but Brady is the qb everyone wants. I know it's not apples to apples but that's just my thinking. Trout is amazing and it shouldn't matter how bad his team is but to me it does. You gotta at least be in the discussion of the playoffs not 20 plus games out of first.
  3. But how do u say what someone is doing on a playoff team is better than one someone is doing on a team not sniffing the playoffs. At some point team wins has to account for something.
  4. Sorry I haven't looked up the standings in a while what r they now? 4th?
  5. Agree. But knowing and stating I don't know these advanced advanced stats that seemingly come out of no where. My original argument is that in last place you don't deserve the MVP unless your doing something that you are miles ahead of the other candidates who helped their team make the playoffs. Cy Young is for the best pitcher and doesn't usually go to guys who make the playoffs. Maybe Baseball needs an award for best player and for most valuable player. Would make things much easier.
  6. You're fun. Baseball fan reasoning. If it's not broke why fix it. Pitchers dropping seemingly like flies. No reason to change or try something different maybe new training strategy. Let's keep everything the same. All good.
  7. Typical baseball fan reasoning. Why change its worked for 100 plus years.
  8. Neither is whatever RC27 means and I stand by my other point in the post. Take away Trout and we are still a last place team. Put Trout on our team and were in last place. That has to account for something. If u have a guy who rushed for 2200 years in football but the team finishes in last he doesn't win the MVP. I don't know what the hell WAR is and how it's measured. Please tell me who the replacement player is. Trout is GREAT stop acting like I'm saying he is not. His team is lousy he's not the MVP someone else will win it on a playoff team and deservedly so.
  9. Yes thats how elbows explode law of averages. There needs to be a serious overhaul in training this offseason to many people went down. Whether it's diet training stretching or evaluating this kind of stuff not just with the Angels but all of baseball needs to be evaluated and changed to keep this number to a minimum.
  10. No idea what any of those mean so could be jiberish for all I know. He's the best player in baseball that plays on a last place team. Tell me how valuable that is. You take him off the team were still in last.
  11. I'm curious to know what the hell is going on with training. This seems like an organizational problem. It can't just be bad luck can it?
  12. Parking structure would be awesome and take up way less space
  13. Do you have Netflix? I know all documentaries are skewed but go check out Bigger Stronger Faster highly recommend it
  14. One more question and we can get back to this topic of Arte. What percent of athletes do you think are on Performance Enhancers?
  15. If Dodgers make it to the post season will Vin get to call the games or is it done once regular season is over?
  16. Then you have a problem with professional sports athletes as I do with professional sports owners who want free money.
  17. How bout u stop critiquing every post I make. I'm texting it on my phone get off my ass.
  18. Just pitch everyone 1 inning from now on.
  19. The majority of the sport is doing HGH. If you have a problem with sports doing HGH or "Performance Enhancing Drugs" than stop watching. The days when people were all natural and drank milk to get stronger are over.
  20. Muscle doesn't just randomly turn to fat. Lack of diet exercise etc helps that muscle you gained turn to fat. Just like any person would.
  21. So it seems the Angels want a monopoly at the stadium or they are going to threaten lawsuits. I guess we should expect that from Arte, we have seen how he negotiates with the players over the years.
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