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Posts posted by AngelsLongBall

  1. 52 minutes ago, cals said:

    If they do that they will be bombed into fucking oblivion. 

    Israel won't fuck around, their new PM essentially called out Iran and said "We know how we can handle this on our own if needed"

  2. 13 minutes ago, Redondo said:

    Mayor proposes mandatory housing for homeless — and big construction plan

    Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg has proposed a "right to housing" as the California homeless crisis continues to grow more severe. 

    The state has around 161,000 people struggling with homelessness, and the state’s leadership is coming up short with answers. As the most populous state, California has the highest number of homeless people, according to government statistics: The state also boasts the fourth-highest rate of homeless per capita in the U.S.

    Steinberg announced a plan Wednesday, during his State of the City address, that he believes will help his city and the state at large to better tackle the crisis: A "right to housing" along with an "obligation" for homeless people to accept shelter when offered. 

    The city would create 5,000 housing spaces by July as part of a plan to provide the mandated housing for homeless individuals, the Sacramento Bee reported. However, the actual legislation would need to come from the City Council. 

    A homeless person could face civil enforcement – not criminal – if they should decline the housing. 

    Civil enforcement, eh?


  3. Will your gifted child take calculus? Maybe not under California’s reimagined math plan


    A plan to reimagine math instruction for 6 million California students has become ensnared in equity and fairness issues — with critics saying proposed guidelines will hold back gifted students and supporters saying it will, over time, give all kindergartners through 12th-graders a better chance to excel.

    Talk about lowering the bar


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