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Broad Street

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Everything posted by Broad Street

  1. I'm extremely excited about Awesome-Wa's signing today. 1 year deal for him to prove himself and none of it is guaranteed cash. Let's not forget he's only 31 and is 2 years removed from being the best shut-down corner in the league. I think/hope that he just wasn't doing so hot in the Eagles defensive scheme.
  2. I guess I just don't understand peoples hatred for Ryan Howard. He was coming back from a terrible injury, which led to his understandably bad numbers last year, especially in a lineup with no protection, but now that he's healthy who's to say he won't be back to his pre-injury form?
  3. Yeah I'm not too upset with Dorsey. He's not a game changer, but we just need someone in the middle to eat up some bodies.
  4. I disagree with your "clean up H.W.'s mess" assessment. Bush Sr. did it the right way. We went in and kicked their ass real quick, and pulled out after teaching them a lesson. We left Saddam Hussein in charge because he was predictable. Bush Jr was just being fed misinformation by that rat bastard Dick Cheney and was too stupid to question it. That's my opinion at least.
  5. I'm so sad spring training is over.... JUST KIDDING! Let's get the real games started by kicking some Cincinnati Ass!
  6. Maybe we can make up for the lack of hitting yesterday today.
  7. Chris Young was a pretty damn effective pitcher for the Padres until Pujols hit a liner off his face. At least if we signed him, he'd never have to face him again.
  8. Any word yet on what we're getting in return? I'm assuming pitching...
  9. "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." - John Adams Discuss.
  10. Won't mean much with no running game and nobody for Bradford to throw to.
  11. Aaaaaaaand we suck. Probably could have won that game if we had some help inside boxing Dwight out. Demarcus Cousins needs to pull his head out of his ass.
  12. I'm in and all my picks are in. Read em and weep boys. Aaaand girls.
  13. Stanford is gonna win it for the 2nd year in a row.
  14. I don't think Hanson stays healthy either and they'll end up giving his spot to Williams instead of Richards which is a shame.
  15. The NFC is looking to have some beast teams... Meanwhile in the AFC, the Broncos are the only upgraded team.
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