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Broad Street

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Everything posted by Broad Street

  1. Also, the E-6 isn't deployed at Tinker. Tinker is the home to the mighty E-3 AWACS, which happens to be the plane I fly on.
  2. Trust me. 90% of the information in this article is incorrect. First off, B-2's don't deploy. Second, any smart pilot wouldn't check Guam weather until he's closer than 16 hours out. Probably do it once he hit Hawaii, or at the furthest out, California. The E-6 is a Navy plane that would really have no use for a war with North Korea. Everybody really just needs to calm down a bit. Nothing is going to happen.
  3. I think you're expecting too much. Unless you're counting playoffs too.
  4. So many Democrats are f'n morons too. Let's be fair.
  5. But, But.... We should have traded Trumbo instead of Morales due to their Spring Training stats though, right??
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22049234 Looks like Castro is finally speaking some common sense.
  7. Like I said, I'm not too worried about it, even with the new news about the embassies. I don't know of many wars where someone told the other side they were going to attack them, showed them their strike plans, and told them when to expect it. Kim Jong Un isn't stupid. He knows he doesn't have backing from China, and his time as a dictator would be incredibly short if he went to war with us. Unless you're China, you don't stand a chance against the military of the United States. Even China would have trouble with us.
  8. I hope that chick burns in hell. God bless this guy for not losing faith and I hope he does well.
  9. Pretty sure even Johan Santana can shutout the Astros this year. With a screwed up arm.
  10. My first Little League team was the Angels and my favorite movie when I was a kid (besides the Great Mouse Detective) was Angels in the Outfield (I was adopted and had been in a foster home like the kids in the movie). That's when I started following the Angels, and even though I've only been a home Angels game once (against the Padres in 2002, close score) I've been a fan ever since. I've actually been to the Oakland Stadium for fan fest one year and had a reporter ask me my favorite team when I was wandering around on the field... I said the Angels, and my dad was very upset with me and we left immediately.
  11. Wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on a team like the Lions. He's not at the top of his game, but he sure in the hell can teach a young'un how to play the game.
  12. So, I'm friends with Erick Joan Aybar on Facebook, as I'm sure many of you are as well. He messaged me last night saying "Kien?" Pretty sure he was wondering who the hell I am, though I've never messaged him before in my life. I'm going to try and message him back though, anything you guys want to ask him? Serious questions only will be considered.
  13. The Angels are going to be fine. Panicking that the Angels are 1-2 is like rejoicing that the Cubs are 2-1. The Angels will be at the top of their division at the end of the year and the Cubs will be at the bottom. You can't tell much after 3 games.
  14. I agree with everything said.... but it wasn't THAT cold.
  15. It's a nice gesture, but consider this. Everything Obama makes, goes straight into a bank account that he doesn't have access to until he's not president anymore. He's not even allowed to have credit cards or anything. Everything the president does is paid for by the government.
  16. Everybody is getting too worked up about this. My family and I are stationed in Okinawa and we're not worried. In my opinion, he's talking out of his ass to gain support from the generals and other staff members to avoid a coupe. I'm not worried, and if I'm not worried, ya'll definitely shouldn't be.
  17. This is a little different Eric. North Korea actually has nuclear reactors capable of creating nuclear weapons and has successfully tested these nukes quite a number of times, all documented by every news agency out there. This isn't some CIA report saying that they may or may not have the capability. The UN, as well as the rest of the world understands and knows that North Korea has the cabability to create nukes. Can they load them up on missiles yet? Who knows, I guess we'll find out.
  18. I'm sorry, but if they launched an all out ground war, their 1.2 million troops would roll right through our 28,000 American troops. That's why we have an amazing and powerful thing called the "Air Force" where our job is to take out as many as those little ****ers as we can to help out our boys on the ground.
  19. Depends on where they're shooting the missile.
  20. False. #1, we would never drop the nuke on NK. Would they use one on themselves? Possibly. #2, the nuclear fallout would not go to China. The global winds would carry all the nuclear fallout past Northern Japan, Russia, and into Alaska/Canada #3, it would be a very short and a long war at the same time. Would we wreck the shit out of their military? Yes. Would it take a long time to root them all out of the caves and turn the government over peacefully? Yes. Sound familiar?
  21. The topic of the thread was clearly a mistake. On that note, the view that "Each state in the union is sovereign and may independently determine how that state may make laws respecting an establishment of religion", is an ignorant one. This is how the Civil War started. The Constitution governs everyone in the United States, State rights DO NOT trump Federal rights. Which is why weed is still punishable, no matter what state you live in. Still a federal offense.
  22. I guess I don't understand the hatred for Hanson. Who's to say he isn't going to come back completely from his arm injury? We're not asking him to be Weaver, just better than Santana/Williams
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