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Broad Street

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Everything posted by Broad Street

  1. Raise taxes and cut spending. This is how we get out of a deficit. Why is it so hard to understand?
  2. Looking for more members for my Yahoo league. Has to be a fish name related team. Like King Trout, Magic Carp-et Ride, etc... message me for more info.
  3. This is true, which is why it's not a big deal. Not everyone needs to see my beautiful face until I can reach a computer anyways. Haha. Good work so far.
  4. All you have to do (for iPhone at least) is click on the "add to" button at the bottom of safari (the one what looks like an arrow exiting a box) and then click "add to home screen". No need for an app when the mobile site does everything an app does anyways. It may not be the most pleasant to the eye (it's blue instead of Angels red, just sayin'), but it definitely does everything we need it to do. Good work Chuck.
  5. Gives all the DV airlift guys a break, they fly a lot. Not sure they'd need a Radio Operator on a Greyhound Bus.
  6. Just something I noticed, not that big of a deal. I can edit my profile or anything from the mobile site.
  7. I guess I'm technically new since I never really posted on the old site. It's hard to get into posting all the time when nobody is awake when it's day time in Japan. Anyways, I'm 24, married for 3 years to my beautiful wife and have been following the Angels since 1999 (little league team name was the Angels), have been stationed in Japan for the past 2 years (Air Force since 2009). I follow most of you on twitter (@Kody_Mac) and I look forward to an awesome season posting with all of you. Also, I'm working on my minor in journalism (major in Political Science) so you may see some articles from me.
  8. Stationed in Okinawa, Japan with the Air Force, but originally from San Jose, Ca.
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