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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Trumbo to third? Really? I don't think Callaspo yields us much of a prospect. He would have to be part of a package. If Justin Vargas were healthy, we could deal him to a contender as a rental and include Callaspo in that package.........but no one is going to take a chance on Vargas now. And Vargas pitched well for us -- I could see us offering him another one year incentive laden deal.
  2. Off season will be interesting for Lincecum........he turned down a huge extension contract offered about a year ago or so by SF thinking he was headed to a big pay day and then had that off-season last year and is not the pitcher he was.......now he pitches a No Hitter but really has not been that impressive this season. He did come alive in the playoffs / post-season last year and did very well as a set up relief guy -- pitched very effectively in that role. SF Giants not likely to re-sign him so he'll be up for the highest bidder and I'm sure teams will over-bid for him paying for his PAST two Cy Young Awards rather than his future role as a third/fourth starter rotation guy..........Might he wind up back in the Pacific Northwest??
  3. I don't think we have much of a choice -- Williams and Richards in the rotation. Blanton to long relief. Halos finish about 10 games under .500, third place in AL West.........good thing Houston's around, third place is no longer second to last.
  4. He would be gone in a deadline deal minute but who wants a 2-13 pitcher? Oh well.
  5. Playoffs? Playoffs? We're sellers at trade deadline time here, not buyers....... perhaps a good thing. If we wound up at or above .500 at the ASB, Halos might be tempted to be buyers and make some real bad, expensive and even further farm system depleting trades for rental rotation guys. so, maybe it's best Halos tanked on the 5 game road trip heading into the ASB.
  6. he's out of the game now.........how many lifetime HRs did he wind up with -- at one time there was talk of Hall of Fame status for him.........perhaps going in as a Halo -- but more appropriate, I think, as a Montreal Expo but HOF committee may agree with MLB and have him go in as a Halo as being 'better for the current game' as opposed to a defunct franchise......... Geez, how long has it been since the Expos left Montreal? At least 10 years now. May be 15. time flies.
  7. Prince Fielder can put on a show when he wants to. I agree with Scioscia's comments -- these derby events not good for most players. I think it has no impact on a guy like Fielder but some of the other players --probably messes up their swing for a week or so starting the second half of the season, Glad our guys are not in it. On that list, why is Cuddyer is this ? (as the name implies , above). Yes, he's been really hot and is on a real hitting streak -- which is exactly why a guy like him should skip this event. Cuddyer is the prime profile of a guy who comes into the All Star Break sizzling hot, has to deal with the break (which is bad enough when you are really in a hitting groove -- don't need any breaks! -- and then he's going to be swinging for the fences?) enters the HR derby and then starts the second half in a huge slump.........If he's under contract to my team, I'd try to discourage him from participating in the HR Derby -- on the other hand, for Cuddyer? Who's he? If he does well and wins this thing, it's unexpected time in the spotlight and could land him a pay day contract based on that alone (sort of like the Angels signing GMJ to that huge contract which I remain convinced was partially influenced by that ONE highlight reel catch he made in the OF for the Rangers.....how misleading that turned out to be in terms of a true measure of GMJ's defensive skills...........) oh well.
  8. well, we need to beat Seattle and Houston in the second half..........season may already be over because we couldn't do that in the first half. check Oakland's W/L record versus those two division rivals.
  9. We can't seem to beat Houston and Seattle within our own division........... our records to those two teams alone explain why we are FIVE games under .500 going into the break. Check A's and Texas records against those two teams............
  10. Sign of a team going no where.......... swept by Seattle, five games under .500 going into All Star Break. Had a 1-4 road trip heading into Break, a trip in which they could have gotten to (or even a game above) .500 to have momentum to make a second half run. Instead, Halos look like sellers rather than buyers as trade deadline looms at end of the month. Blanton, if any one would take him as a rental, may be the first to go..........or a trip to long relief in the pen may be next for him..........
  11. stop signing bad players..........hmmm. GMJ Vernon Wells Joe Blanton (partial listing)
  12. perhaps they can deal him at deadline time to someone (quasi-contender -- we're not even in that category any more) who might need a fifth/sixth starter guy?? after today doubtful. but why DFA him when we're paying him for the rest of the year..........might as well use him in long relief. Games resume what? Thursday , July 18 ? Six weeks until Sept. 1 rosters expand, anyway......... might as well keep Blanton IF he can't be dealt as a rental to someone at deadline time.........when attempting to deal him, burn all known tapes of his last four outings........
  13. Swept in Seattle. Horrible. I think at 5 games under .500 at the ASB and heading into it having gotten swept in Seattle and with 1-4 road trip, well.] we are officially sellers now. Our rotation is a mess, bring up some prospects/ starters from AA and let's see how they do.......we might as well as have an extended September type roster starting now. Blanton? After today's outing which adds to his string of 'NON-quality' starts........can we even deal him at deadline time for something? Some team that might need an 'innings eater?" (that's why we signed him, remember?) fifth/ sixth starter??? I mean get something rather than a straight DFA. horrible. the shopping cart is being put away, it's garage sale time.
  14. horrible. and to credit angelswin.com most posters here, every single one, said so when the Halos signed him and over-paid him for 2013. this is no Monday morning quarterbacking by the good folks (posters) on this site.
  15. Yeah, how's Kazmir doing in Cleveland??? GEEZ.......the deals of years' past -- and the bad thing is, I really thought the Kazmir deal made sense at the time. Never seen a guy seem to just quit like Kazmir did.........now he's back -- velocity up, too. Has had some decent starts but some just awful ones as well. Our rotation is shot -- we need help and no place to turn. Probably worth it just to go with what we have and see how it goes rather than give away whatever is left on the farm and still finish out of the money -- the Haren deal comes to mind (another deal I liked at the time).
  16. He put be spitting it out on his glove --- no, wait, that would make it sticky and nothing is sticking to his glove. Glad to see Hamilton hitting (and clutch, too) but GEEZ, he's a liability in the OF. And with Pujols plantar foot deal, we have two guys who's best defensive position is DH.
  17. you guys have it all wrong -- that's a BoSox fan eating a hot dog.........
  18. Nolasco is a pretty good pick up IMO. Sure, he's not great. sure he's over-paid. but at this point it's about three months salary for a serviceable starter........ Angels could have used a guy like that -- and he's a rental, so season ends, bye, bye. And he has a real incentive to do well because he's auditioning for his next employer........ Kind of like when Jeff Weaver wound up in St Louis, (after being run out of Seattle or where-ever he was, was it LA?) I do remember his last few starts before being signed by St. Louis, he couldn't get anyone out and was every ineffective. He then got blown out in his first several St. Louis starts before Dave Duncan worked his magic and suddenly Jeff (Mope) Weaver was winning playoff games and World Series games -- big hero -- then the new contract with the new employer (can't remember who signed him -- but he flopped there and was pretty much done -- I think Jeff's bouncing around experience in MLB may be one reason why Jered signed the long term deal in Anaheim). But, Nolasco seems like a good pick up for the Dogs -- the team that started the season with 8 starting pitchers or whatever it was. Now they have Barney Fife in the rotation.........
  19. Well, if the Halos win two in Chicago and then take the Seattle series 2-1, it puts us a game over .500 at the break, about 8 games back of Oakland. Again, that 8 game spread is represented by the A's 12-0 record vs. Houston as against our 3-9 record or whatever it is, against Houston. If we're right at or over .500 at the All Star break, we should be buyers.......but I agree with many of the posters here -- our deadline deals of years' past have caught up with us and we simply can't afford to be buyers this year unless Arte wants to pony up straight cash so that we don't have to give up any prospects. We really need to re-build the farm system. Any rotation help won't come cheap and it would be for a two month rental........I say, stay put or bring up a AA guy and plug him into the rotation -- perhaps a guy like that pitch every sixth day or something and try to get Weaver some extra starts. With the way the pen has pitched (lately) you might be able to get a few six inning starts four days apart from Weaver and turn it over to the pen. We need rotation help -- but we simply can't afford another expensive rental that further depletes the farm system.
  20. OUCH. Tough to go from all that wealth to nothing in the span of a year or so. that 'after' photo gives a pretty good indication of where she spent some of her money. kids in the middle of it all -- not good.
  21. BREAKING NEWS -- ESPN and other major networks favor Boston/ New York games (any sport). Well, at least, these days with all the media outlets and games on TV through MLB.com etc. you can watch games involving other teams. Some of us are 'mature' enough (age wise) to remember Curt Gowdy and Tony Kubek on NBC's Game of the Week.......the schedule looked something like this: Boston vs. New York Boston vs. Detroit New York vs. Boston New York vs. Chicago Boston vs. Chicago St. Louis vs. Chicago Cubs (an NL game, usually St. Louis, would make it once in a while) New York vs. Baltimore Baltimore vs. Boston Boston vs. New York you get the picture -- and since it was the GAME OF THE WEEK -- that was pretty much it for TV games. although back then the Angels were on KTLA 5 and telecast more games than other teams (like the Dodgers). this was back when Dick Enberg was still the sports guy at KTLA-5 and wasn't the pbp guy yet. Enberg used to broadcast the latter innings of the Angels games as from the Big A as part of the evening sports report........
  22. I usually like ex-Halos -- most of them -- usually. EXCEPTIONS -- Lackey, Scott Schoenweis and, of course, Mo Vaughn. At first I didn't like Edmonds when he left via trade because of the snide remarks he made in SI article about the Halos -- the one where the article started off with Edmonds throwing his Halos equipment bag into the trash can in the Cardinals locker room. But I came around on Edmonds -- hard to forget his highlight reel catches. But Lackey? Didn't like the way he left the Halos and the comments he made afterwards....so, no, I don't root for Lackey at all, in fact, the opposite. Torii Hunter? I'll always root for him, even when he's hitting against the Halos......
  23. Well, it's a long way from Vancouver to Seattle and longer than the drive.......Canadian fans probably not going to head South to Seattle. Well, one thing may help now -- Vancouver with their 'trade Schneider, keep Luongo' move today, probably won't be very good next few years and are likely in a multi-year 're-building/ transition' mode. When if the NHL going to make a decision on this ? Is Bettman going to pull a Selig (as in the A's request to move to San Jose) and just take NO ACTION hoping the whole thing will go away.? I hope Phoenix is able to keep the Coyotes.
  24. WTF is going on in Vancouver? They trade Schneider for a draft pick and now Luongo is going to be asked to resume his starting role next year? And, they 'swapped coaches' with the NY Rangers? Vancouver is a pretty good hockey town, they're going to have to be real patient......... Luongo didn't play/ start much last season after the Canucks handed the Schneider the starting gig.........they made the playoffs and then won just as many games in the Cup playoffs as all the teams that didn't make the playoffs......ugly sweep by San Jose. Thought the franchise was in transition free fall as the end of the playoffs -- don't see how these moves improve them at all........ I guess Luongo's contract is radioactive and the Canucks just can't / refuse to eat it and move on. Going to be a long couple of years up in BC.
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