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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Season's over for us..........actually, probably was over some time ago but losing two of three at Home to Minnesota really does it now And the worst part of all this is that we really should have swept the Twins and won each of those first two games. Yesterday's extra inning loss was especially galling.
  2. geez, I'd take a flyer on Marcum, call it a season for 2013 and invite him to ST. Halos are going to wind up paying about $5 million or so of Blanton's $7.5 million so that he can pitch elsewhere.
  3. that's terrible -- always liked Hudson -- pitches well. Hate to see stuff like this happen.
  4. New Jersey kid will be in pinstripes.
  5. wopphil fesses up on the Blanton signing --- actually -- I didn't think anyone here liked it. way too much money and over-paying for TWO years. everyone said so at the time. decision time for Halos.......they will not DFA him, I don't think. But he could be relegated to a long relief role. mop up guy......there will be fewer mop up opps, though, because he won't be in the rotation. perfect.
  6. Calhoun is an improvement over Shuck and without a doubt, Hawpe. Yes. the team has decided to wait on Calhoun rather than to use him on a below .500 team this year. Calhoun will be on the opening day roster next year. Bourjos -- who I really like -- will probably be packaged in a deal for rotation help.
  7. well, the Trout decision last year was WRONG coming out of Spring Training and we all said so at the time. it was complicated by the presence of another expensive contract (Abreu) that because of that reason (expensive contract) had to be kept on the roster to prove that he didn't deserve 1.) that expensive contract and 2.) a roster spot. ironically, it may have been that stretch of time (six weeks or so) that cost the Angels a chance at a playoff spot. As for Calhoun, it's later in the season now.......I'd keep him down (even though I have no doubt be could help RIGHT NOW - heck, TONIGHT!) until September call ups.
  8. well, let me defend the organization a bit on this.......... when you have a player like Trout, like Calhoun -- and you've spent time and money developing them -- you want to keep them under club control as long as possible. and with the new MLBPA agreement, it's getting tougher to do that. As for Calhoun -- if he didn't start the season with the Halos and now you're 10 games out and about 4/5 games under .500 behind two teams in your division in late July........it probably makes sense to NOT let him accumulate MLB playing time that would make him a free agent a full season earlier than he otherwise would be. this would almost be like making an expensive trade for a 'rental' OH -- Calhoun catches that ball that AW Shucks just missed.
  9. Who are these guys? Are we playing Minnesota or St. Paul?
  10. two strike outs........well, there goes my prediction for the number of Blanton K's.
  11. good throw there would have gotten the runner. I mean a throw down to the bag. Yadier Molina would have had him.
  12. Watching Blanton pitch tonight -- and remembering Sunday's game......... what are the A's paying Bartolo Colon?? I know what we're paying Blanton over two years....... of course, Colon may join Ryan Braun here soon on the 'ineligible to play' list.
  13. Really liked his acting..........seemed to be a guy in good health -- died at a Scottsdale hospital. I'm not a real TV/ movies guy but liked 'Law & Order' -- he sort of took over the 'Lenny Briscoe' role -- another guy I liked. He also was great in the movies mentioned in this thread, 'Get Shorty' etc, The guy spent 20 years as a member of the Chicago Police force so he brought some reality to his Law & Order role. I don't follow Hollywood/ movie stuff much -- but am sad to hear of Dennis Farina's passing at a fairly young age (69).
  14. Well, many of thought Calhoun could have made the team out of ST and contributed this year -- however -- he would have been sitting the bench as a 4th/5th OF'er and not getting much playing time. So back to AAA probably made sense. At this point, Halos are probably counting his actual MLB time and waiting to call him up at a point when he won't become eligible for Free Agency a year earlier than he would otherwise be......that's my guess on why he's in AAA and a 4-A guy like Hawpe has a roster spot. Clearly Calhoun could contribute now -- particularly with Bourjos out another week or two.........
  15. Minnesota line up looks pretty weak. They'll probably look like batting champs vs. Blanton. Blanton 3.2 IP, 7 hits, 5 runs, 3 walks 1 K. A kid from our area (Brenier) is making a start at SS for the Twins tonight.........He's been bouncing around the minor leagues for some 10 years. I predict he gets his first major league hit off Blanto tonight..........the guy is batting second so he should get at least 2 AB's against Blanton, perhaps 3 -- we'll see how far Blanton goes. Blanton needs a quality start tonight or I'm not sure is Scioscia/Butcher can keep putting him out there ahead of Richards.
  16. Also, can the moderators please change this thread title.........in fact, perhaps we should start a whole new thread.........Los Angeles Kings 2013-14 Season.
  17. Since you brought up the Dogs here, geez they've won something like 21 of their last 25 games or something.......been on real run. So it could happen (for us, too). but as the weekend's LA Times article stated about Halos starting the second half -- yeah , they could make a run -- but reality is their rotation isn't up to the winning percentage pace it would take to get to 90 wins, a minimum probably needed to get the second wild card spot..........
  18. Hey, perhaps MLB can arrange/ time the announcement of the suspensions to coincide with Manny Ramirez's first appearance back on an MLB roster. Where's Manny again? Texas AAA team, right?
  19. YES. Scioscia should be retained. If for no other reason than this, we can't afford to buy out any more expensive long term contracts right now.
  20. I probably cannot attend but could not resist voting anyway -- I went for Group tickets (even though I'd prefer a suite and would probably go if there was a suite)..........but here's my reasoning. Mid-August game, vs. Houston........... seems to me you can wait quite a while and still have a real good choice of seats right up to game time.......you might even consider a 'modified' group approach by getting the best deal on some group seats (I'd suggest trying to stay in the shaded seat sections -- in other words, stay away from the bleachers, right field and anything on the first base line)....order X amount and then tell others, a bunch of Angelswin.com folks will be in section such and such, row whatever, go on line on your own and get as close as you can......... that's my two cents -- and since I'm not likely to go, my comments can be completely ignored..............LOL!
  21. Read in the LA Times within the past week that these guys are being offered the equivalent of 'plea deals' from MLB. If they fess up and accept voluntarily, the suspension might be less and MLB won't release details of the 'investigative report' If they don't, well.............. sounds as if Braun knowing things were not going to go well for him, decided to admit and take the rest of the year off.......and the prior posters here are probably right that MLB is ticked that Braun got away with it during his 'MVP' year.
  22. Hope it's not us -- let the Rangers over-pay for a rental.........we've been there, done that. Enough. Although, to be fair -- Rangers, 3 games out right now - should be buyers with the situation they are in with respect to the current standings. Expect Garza to get hit hard at Arlington, though.
  23. Yeah, we're stuck..........the prior posts sum it up well. You'd think with some of the contracts we've eaten (not all were during Arte's reign when signed) -- Appier, GMJ, VW etc. that we'd be careful about some of these long term deals. The Pujols deal, expensive at the time and now, did generate excitement and many folks here, while questioning the cost, celebrated the signing (I know I did). But the Hamilton signing was widely panned here, both cost, length and actually the player himself.........it seemed to be one of those "we gotta do something and show that we're doing something" signings similar to GMJ and AW deals -- each of which were poorly received AT THE TIME OF THE SIGNING by most, if not virtually every -- member of this board.......so the folks here were NOT Monday morning quarterbacking.......... I agreed with (and many did here as well) the long term signing for Jered Weaver with the hometown discount...........and I still agree with it even with Jered's DL time this year. Now, Blanton??? None of us thought was a good signing either -- 2-12 5.50 ERA............geez.
  24. Brown's deal for 8 years means that the LA Kings and the NHL -- unlike MLB -- with Brown, Kopitar and Quick will have faces of the franchise for some years to come. Halos have kinda gotten burned on long term contracts, but these guys are young, essentially franchise/ system developed talent.......... So, this is great to see. Brown is such a gamer. Hate to see Bernier go -- another draftee/ system player developed player, who if many recall, was drafted to much acclaim at a time when the Kings were sorely lacking in goal -- but understand he needs to start and play full time. This season he really stepped in and up big when Quick was having sort of a bad spell, perhaps endurance issues from Quick's off-season surgery -- but then he had a few extra weeks to recover due to the delayed season start. But Bernier played well. He'll help the Maple Leafs.........this year marks another year where the Stanley Cup is hoisted south of the border -- I don't see Vancouver doing anything soon -- that once great franchise seems in free fall and now they're going with LUONGO in goal next year after pretty much have written him off last season?? Kind of a primer of how long term contracts can really restrict your flexibility...........I think the last time a Canadian based team won the Cup was the infamous McSorely's stick final vs. Montreal. Didn't like seeing Ron Hextall leaving the franchise -- but his heart's in Philly -- nice to see Rob Blake back as part of the franchise.
  25. How dumb is this -- the Mets may have been clearing room for a deadline deal and the guy might have been back up in less than a month......... not smart......... and now he has this episode on his dance card..........he better hit close to .400 because teams are going to have to over-look the attitude issues to give him a chance with them. with all the bad boy stuff and athletes out there these days, teams are reluctant to sign the perceived problem guys.
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