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Everything posted by Slegnaac

  1. Remember that time when we had a lineup where everyone was hitting .300 or better? Good Times
  2. I am guessing that we would have to pitch GRich in 162 to either 1) attempt to prevent the tie scenario or 2) create the tie scenario. I am hoping that we are not in this position.
  3. What if we had signed Will Ferrell to be the regular Left Fielder?
  4. What if the Angels win the ALCS in '79. Go on to defeat PIT in seven games. Then dominate the the league from 80 to 86. Autry signs a lifetime deal with the COA to keep the team in town. Fregosi wins MOTY, and in 87 is made head of scouting.
  5. Next spring is no good. You have to nip that BS in the bud.
  6. Every team wins 70 games and loses 70 games, it is what you do in the other 22 that matter.
  7. People seem to forget that turning a double play at second base isn't automatic. We really need someone that is able to "jell" with Aybar, otherwise our pitching staff is going to be over worked. I hope that they can settle on the right combination before the season starts and not have to deal with the revolving door like this year.
  8. Does anyone have experience with buying Radio time? I am interested in buying time from a small AM station to produce a weekly music show and I am not sure what is the best way to start the process.
  9. Was there some special rule for Babe Ruth in his final years where he didn't have to run to first base?
  10. What? Can't even get all the cookies in a straight line. CDO!
  11. The Glory of Their Times There should be another thread from earlier this year which has some good recommendations.
  12. If you have to use a meme to compare someone to a Nazi, you might be a Redneck.
  13. At least part of his success was due to the players performing.
  14. Really they need better protection for the players in the dugout. We have all seen screaming line drives ricochet through there,or errant infield practice throws bean some innocent player.
  15. Navarro seems like the best defensive option and his offense can't be much worse than what they have been running out there. #freenavarro
  16. You probably didn't hear, he needs shoulder surgery.
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