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The Ghost of Bob Starr

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Everything posted by The Ghost of Bob Starr

  1. It's becoming the norm that the whole season doesn't matter. The Angels - capturing fans attention during spring training only.
  2. Do all men in your family like to squat down next to men's crotches for fun?
  3. Man you guys are butt hurt. He's a writer. He's a satirist. Yes, he's that little kid that runs around the playground and pulls the old "bangkok" joke and runs away. It's his shtick and he's been doing it for decades. He's pissed off hundreds (or probably thousands) of people, who still manage to not hate him as much as you all do. Go ask Tommy Lasorda. I asked him once about Simers, and he told me it was just "the stupid game he plays, but he's a good guy." He's not using cancer. I did not attend the two prior events he held, but heard from several people what great events they were. It's not such a bad idea, but since you guys hate everything about the guy, and half of you complain without even reading the article, it's another expected "beat-down Simers" thread.
  4. Bummer Boston won the WS. Makes me not enjoy this comeback as much this time around.
  5. And yes, I know I'm a minority in the minority.
  6. Never been a fan, no matter how hard I've tried. Lost in tranlsation is about the only movie I can swallow of his, and its because he isn't a goof. I didn't even like Carl in Caddyshack. Wasn't a fan of his SNL stuff either. Was always a Chevy Chase - Dan Akroyd guy.
  7. Animal House and Caddyshack (not a fan of stripes or Murray) make him a great in my mind. RIP.
  8. I'm going to go with Mexico or the California Penal League. Vaughn available?
  9. Apparently Hispanics were complaining about all the Motaisms in español on Angels Ganó more than Jose's Spanglish.
  10. He's gotta be yoked after carrying Gubi's dead weight around for a few years.
  11. 2015..... August of 2015. He might have 8 more foot surgeries before he hits 8 bombs.
  12. I'm going to take a stab at why we lost 84 games..... I thinks it's because we couldn't win #79? Just my theory.
  13. Of course it was a joke. Ss I wasn't ocerreacting. I like all the soccer hate here. We know when the big games come all the closet fans come over to the locker.
  14. Completely different game. I left that one off the list. Good one.
  15. Now the Angels can sport two patches on their jerseys this year. #11 on the left side for Fregosi #2 on the right side for Jeter
  16. Clarifying the obvious. I imagine you probably didn't see Willie Mays, Ted Williams, or Mickey Mantle play, much less Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jimmie Foxx. Did you ever watch Sandy Koufax pitch? How about Nolan Ryan? Hell, how about Randy Johnson. Fear and intimidation for more than decade with those guys. Sure, Bonds got a lot of free passes for a small stretch when he was riding the roid train. Yeah he hit a few monster bombs in the 2002 WS LOSS to the Angels.
  17. Sorry to hear that Fregosi has taken an apparent turn for the worse.
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