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The Ghost of Bob Starr

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Everything posted by The Ghost of Bob Starr

  1. Blarg, way to keep trolling Cubswin.com.
  2. The only thing likely rising for Kendrys is his weight, which he probably can't even hit.
  3. Broke off the rust. Hasn't played since last years charity. Shot a 94. I was ok considering my driver was hitting ground balls until the 15th. Shore cliffs.
  4. And the stewards you are speaking of aren't of the racing variety. They are the guys looking to make stew out of the possum.
  5. I thought you were going to say fattest die hard fans. Back to the buffet...
  6. It's Weaver, no matter who the game is against, whether it is in Anaheim or on the road in any other city. Wouldn't matter if the game was played overseas or on the moon. Glad to see we've already reached the point in the season for outlandish hypotheticals. When is "one game playoff - Albert or Cron at 1b pole"? And yes I meant pole. If you disagree your and idoit.
  7. I can't blame the Dodgers. Us Mexicans don't have specific taco and burrito making attire, except for dirty chonies. They could give those away there, but you can pretty much find them in the nooks and crannies of the ballpark and the end of many games.
  8. I like Marmol-ade on my toast. Orange you going to have one too?
  9. I've been trying to score the Lego of Mathis handing out gum. I'm reaching out to the American Pickers.
  10. Well, I would have figured strained neck from all the K's.
  11. Yes, they provide excellent fuel to the fire on this board. Without Hatcher and Butcher the last several years, the metrics would sku.
  12. I saw McCartney his last go around and he had dropped off considerably from the precious tour. His supporting band is weak and Ray among the biggest problems was Getting into that shithole that is Chavez Ravine.
  13. Great write up. Would have loved to have heard more about Bruce serving in Washington's unit during the Revolutionary War. I guess I have to wait for the Veterans's day write up.
  14. I have experienced the exact opposite. I had directv from 96-2002. Awful customer service. The mover program was terrible. Those phone ppl could give two shits about my problem. I've had AT and T for years on the mobile side and they are tremendous. Credit my account all the time if I complain about something. Always remove and wave bs fees. They even told me to avoid the store and to buy at Walmart the last time one of my kids got the iPhone 5s. I love this merger. Tv will be more broadband and personalized. They can stream a billion channels to your mobile device. With unlimited data, I'm a happy camper.
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