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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. The timing of this one is impeccable, though I doubt Branco was aware.
  2. It’s hard to argue with this. Nothing like the Deepwater Horizon event had ever happened before. It was pretty much only from ships. Oh, rats, wait… There is that other time it also happened on a completely different BP rig in Azerbaijan, another case in which BP blamed Halliburton’s cement work for the event. No worries, though. They were completely forthcoming with that info when Deepwater Horizon ate shit. Just kidding! It took a Wikileaks info dump for that to come out: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/15/wikileaks-bp-azerbaijan-gulf-spill
  3. Now go Google “If she weren’t my.”
  4. Can y’all imagine how gnarly whatever @Brian Ilten is watching has to be these days post Trump losing?
  5. Thank you! As a reward for your kind words, I would like you to offer you a coupon for 20% off your purchase of a pair of myslippers, guaranteed to be the most comfortable slippers you’ve ever worn! Just type in the promo code “BUTTREYCOMEBACK” to receive your special discount. Note: coupon is one time use only.
  6. lol, Trump lost to that guy. Amazing. Too bad he catered to the assholes. If he didn’t, he’d still be running the show. Then again, I wouldn’t be shocked if this is as profitable as being in office was. What a moron (or genius?). Donate now!
  7. This exchange actually made me laugh. What in the hell is going on here?
  8. I’m NEVER one to say somebody is on the take, but somebody is on the take. That was completely made up. It just didn’t exist. No player was even named.
  9. I’ve never seen a more bullshit call in my life than was just made against Cal on a missed ND field goal. Field goal was missed and a late flag was then thrown for Cal offsides, giving ND a first down and then they score a TD. NBC (ND’s home broadcast) has shown the play multiple times. There was simply no movement nor misalignment at all on the play. Nothing even borderline. The broadcast crew couldn’t even go with it. Screw that noise. Go Bears!
  10. Holy shit. Are you serious with this or are you trying induce laughter?
  11. …says the guy backing up a governor who is moving people from a state that’s not his to another state that’s not his.
  12. I think it’s more forgivable at places like Fenway and Wrigley because while old, they truly do have much more “history” than Angel Stadium, and most importantly: those stadiums are places that newer facilities attempt to emulate to a degree. The same cannot be said of The Big A. I love it, but it’s not great.
  13. I’m so sorry to hear that. It sure isn’t like it was with previous strains, but there are still around 400 people dying daily in the US from COVID.
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