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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. I got off easy with those. The welcome bouquet covered the funeral as well.
  2. Absolutely not. It’s amazingly well done. It’s not just trying to play the hits like Obi Wan. It’s intentional and well crafted. The fewer space wizards, the better.
  3. Andor 10/10 for the first 3 episodes. This is better than The Mandalorian, so far.
  4. This place is more regular than me taking citrucel and drinking cold brew concentrate on the daily.
  5. Donation sent. Miracle League is great. There’s a field about 2 miles from my house and my niece has benefited from it. Good stuff.
  6. Whenever you hear somebody talk about working with him in an interview, they always refer to him as “Jim.” In fact, I’ve never heard Sigourney Weaver say “James” once. That truly made me laugh.
  7. Well, there is one thing you all have in common: we all hate each of you.
  8. But like this: Loki Moon Knight/Wandavision She Hulk Ms Marvel Falcon and Winter Soldier
  9. I was kinda underwhelmed when I saw it upon initial release. I think it had to be the theater I was at because I saw this in IMAX 3D on Saturday and it was freaking jaw dropping. It looks better than most films made today. That film is an absolutely amazing technical achievement. The footage from the sequel was really impressive. My gut says people won’t be interested, but my memory says you should never bet against James Cameron.
  10. Thank you for the update! This is valuable news!
  11. Ok. Thanks for the update. We appreciate you.
  12. It’s nothing to do with top 25. It’s to do with it being the same thing that happened in Deepwater. Furthermore, basically nobody knew about it in the public and BP still blamed Halliburton, and this was before Obama was president. Of course the government would allow people to die for oil and politics. You character seems to have a life that they love that owes directly to that fact. Sometimes shit goes sideways. Sometimes you are working on viruses and they escape from a lab, you try to cover it up and it goes on to kill a bunch of people. Sometimes you are pumping oil and your equipment fails twice for the same reason. Shit happens.
  13. The timing of this one is impeccable, though I doubt Branco was aware.
  14. It’s hard to argue with this. Nothing like the Deepwater Horizon event had ever happened before. It was pretty much only from ships. Oh, rats, wait… There is that other time it also happened on a completely different BP rig in Azerbaijan, another case in which BP blamed Halliburton’s cement work for the event. No worries, though. They were completely forthcoming with that info when Deepwater Horizon ate shit. Just kidding! It took a Wikileaks info dump for that to come out: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/15/wikileaks-bp-azerbaijan-gulf-spill
  15. Now go Google “If she weren’t my.”
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