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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. Tiny brain, though. Very tiny. Would likely fit in your normal sized left atrium.
  2. Good. You should’ve told them that on the spot, but tomorrow will do. Edit: Monday is fine. Tomorrow is an off day for many.
  3. I do love this, though. Let’s keep “If you noticed the ________, they failed at their job” alive.
  4. He’s just thankful because he knew that Mexico would be held to its previous commitment to pay for it in full.
  5. I tried an oat milk latte at Starbucks. It was absolutely awful. Never again. I’d rather get water.
  6. Good sir, thank you for your inquiry. I do not. You may now exhale.
  7. Oh shit. Call the coroner. FS79’s girl roasted this tool.
  8. ??? It’s not suspicious. Their system completely broke down. They use outdated technology and operate their business with little room for error. They weren’t able to compensate once a certain number of dominoes didn’t fall as a result of running a razor’s edge when it comes to staffing combined with weather issues.
  9. I was supposed to fly out of Denver on Monday afternoon. Our flight was cancelled 2 hours before it was scheduled to leave (they didn’t actually text me until after the scheduled departure time). I booked a flight on American as quickly as I could once my Southwest flight was cancelled. It was easy to see where it was headed. Anyway, we just got home. We had a good couple of extra days, but I’d prefer to have been home. The refunds and stuff will sort themself out over time. What a cluster.
  10. I received my 20th COVID booster shot in the basement today. I don’t leave the basement except to go to work and make sure to triple mask before leaving the house. Being deprived of all interaction and activity has been rough for 3 years, but safety first. I’m sure you understand. Remember when you panicked and lined up every possible treatment available to you for what you believed to be a cold? That was rational and you are safer for it. Stay safe out there.
  11. Did you change out your soiled Huggies pull ups after you got the sniffles or are ya still rocking the same pair?
  12. Why do you think subscribers can identify numbers?
  13. Was that ornament hung by Donald Trump’s DOJ like the guy pictured on it?
  14. This whole Twitter purchase is such a dumpster fire. It’s fascinating.
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