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Everything posted by shellback

  1. its hard to believe that for 8 years this guy held the fate of the earth in his hands
  2. the sailors on the uss cole wouldn't call it a success story
  3. reagan is where this mess started. trickle down economics, union busting, cia backed cocaine sales to inner city blacks, manic deficit increases, the start of the radical social class stratification now appearent in the vanishing middle class, the war on drugs. i could go on- the havoc he wreaked on the mentally ill and the creation of the homless problem while he was governor of california. lots of what he did was suggessted by a goddamn astrologer and his dipshit wife for gods sake.
  4. nice. this is comparable to feinstein being chair of the intelligence commitee. overall, its insulting.
  5. no matter what your political affliation, to deny that the climate is changing is ignorance.
  6. how bout this "choice"? vote for bush,cruz or hillary. enough to make me puke. this is why i dont vote. this "choice" is an insult to a normal persons intelligence. more viable candidates might be an earthworm, dungbeetle and cockroach.
  7. my friend and i planned to blow up fenway. does that qualify as hate? the dodgers are almost to that level.
  8. looking at a revolt/uprising, the feds know about it before it happens. then, all that surplus military gear given to the police goes to work. a good example was the occupy wall street movement. they were labeled as low level domestic terrorists by the feds and were violently concentrated and arrested for a basiclly non violent demonstration. a depressing still picture i saw during the protests in ferguson was that of an mrap(mine resistant armored personell carrier) with a manned, turret mounted automatic rifle being used in an active role (crowd control) on the streets of the midwest. sometimes i think non veterans have no idea what the government is capable of.
  9. id be all for the party that reworks the tax code so that middle income wage earners would no longer have to support " growth by the job creators". what these fools don't realize is that soon there will be no middle class to subsidize the trickle down economy that continues to leak soil over most of our heads. a good question would be- who do the powers that be plan to squeeze when there is no more middle class?
  10. my refusal to vote is a refusal to participate in a fixed( no true choice) system. also fraud etc. as fidel castro said when little bush was "elected": "Bush wasn't elected. he was appointed".
  11. the fact is: neither party is more evolved, more intelligent or better looking than than the other party. as adam succintly put it"ones for greed and power and the other is for power and greed". these little sideshows they put on for us to argue about are nothing more than smoke screens to keep the masses from observing and acting on the largest transfer of wealth and power in human history from the middle class into the pockets of the ruling oligarchs. we attempted to change it in the 60's. got murdered at kent state university by the national guard. the historys too long to go into. as one friend tells me "forget it , tom, we lost they won." perhaps when our kids are driven into a feudal state by these people our system will change. file your taxes yet? i read yesterday where the 80% of lower incomes in our economy pay the taxes for the top 20%. in other words, our tax code is set up to enrich the uber successful and crush middle class. (cite the ny times article of 18 mar 2015). so as long as we allow the politicos to waste time arguing about hillarys emails and gay marrige , we get what we deserve.
  12. not trying to stir shit- is it a good idea for trout to increase the sb total? considering how beat up sb's get you?
  13. basically giving weaponry to the same outfit that killed all those sailors on the Cole
  14. isn't obama the same guy that was going to legislate more protection for whistleblowers?
  15. jmo. all the partisan politics we see (including the two partys backstabbing one another) are nothing more than dramatics designed to keep our attention off the fact that they are accomplishing absolutely nothing. in effect, just a dodge to avoid dealing with any kind of actual problem that exists in the united states. what about terrorists? how about the ones just south of chula vista chainsawing innocents heads off? how about our crumbling infrastructure? how about the fact that every other organization in this country can write off its debt but my family can't? how about the generational enslavement via inherited debt? how about local police forces being used as collection agencys for city and county governments? and the return of debtors prisons? how about the governments continuing, age old use of the racial divide as an excuse to impoverish and imprison entire generations of blacks? i could go on and on. but you get the idea. not very proud of the country i served during wartime. and i'm one of the successful ones. when people get hungry enough this too will change.
  16. this is true. unfortunately,the changes that need to be made are of such a fundamental nature that short of violent revolt they will never be made.
  17. just found out that prosecution under the logan act for this letter won't work legally. maybe we could impeach the entire congress for lack of performance and negligence in response to a duty. that way, the next bunch that comes in will do thier jobs.
  18. yes adam, but when private citizens attempt to negociate treatys with a foreign government, its a violation of federal statute(the logan act) which they tried to get stokely carmichael on when he went to north viet nam.
  19. they are ****ing idiots and need to be prosecuted under the logan act. i heard the only reason that prosecution under this law is not happening is that there are too many senators involved. i say, what a great way to clean house! **** these mother****ers.every godammned one of them.
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