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Everything posted by shellback

  1. historicly more complaints of spousal abuse on super bowl sunday than any other day during the year.
  2. threads like a slow motion train wreck
  3. guy with the most money gets to buy the president/senate/house. simplify the process
  4. another question that begs an answer: did you take high school government class yet?
  5. I will ask the questions around here and by god, provide my own answers
  6. careful guys. don't want to wind up on the list. as far as revolution, imo that kind of thing only happens in response to hunger. i feel sorry for our kids- i see the screws being tightened on them tighter and tighter through taxation, further limiting of economic opportunity and increased fear from the police.
  7. our executive and judicial systems are broken beyond hope of repair. im not trying to piss anyone off, however, anybody that doesn't recognize that fact is either asleep or brain dead.
  8. the whole dem v. repubs. makes me laugh at this point. can't anybody see our entire government is nothing more than a dog and pony show giving the illusion of you having a voice in government- see citizens united decision. if you or your posse doesnt have a billion to bribe these people with, they dont give a shit what happens with you. in fact, the poorer you are the better. makes you easier to control. the governments job is to maintain the status quo power and wealth structures. our government is not a democracy. ts a kleptocracy- as evidenced by the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind via TARP and continuing regressive tax structures.
  9. man. yemen. the same place where they seriously damaged the USS Cole with a loss of 30 some sailors. where it could be accurately said the male population sits around all day chewing khat and having drug induced conversations, drinking tea. it has amazed me for 20+ years that we appear to hold yemen in some kind of place of impotance geopolitically. what a shithole.
  10. i think the welfare/state aid/ ui/ etc people can be somewhat explained by criminal mind type of thinking. a self centered "whats in it for me?" kind of attitude. shunning of responsibility. lack of empathy for others. greed. its interesting the high regard these people have for fameous criminals and politicians who have "gotten over" on any bureaucratic system. even with little kids you sometimes see ones that break the rules and get away with it are minor heroes to the others. unfortunately, i think our system breeds this scociopathy to some extent. alot of the most materially successful people are this way- jaimie dimon, murdoch, almost any politician. amoral, greedy with a complete lack of empathy for others.
  11. as i understood this move by usag, they effectively ENABLED state and city governments by eliminating the previous step of federal government involvement in all civil asset forfitures. maybe some can enlighten me if they understand this move on a detailed legal level. no confirmation bias. just would like to hear others opinions. i would enjoy and welcome a better understanding of this move by usag. i would like to think our government is not a kleptocracy.
  12. what so ironic to me is welfare folks that are tea bag right wingers. an apt analogy might be these welfare folks holding a gun to thier own heads and screaming: "don't move or ill shoot" i have a younger brother in couer d alene idaho and its amazing how many of these ultra right wingers are are on some form of welfare and are proud of that fact. they freely talk about the welfare thier on and in a wierd way, proud of it i guess.
  13. sounds to me like holder just made it easier for states and cities to seize your property. just allows states and cities to skip the step of involving the feds in thier thefts. also watched a news report last night interviewing the new yorker magazine reporter who wrote extensively on this- my take: us gov didn't do shit. like so many of their actions, this move by us gov is much ado about absolutely nothing.
  14. date of st aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  15. what date does spring training start?
  16. looking forward to flying to boston this summer
  17. ms hillary in reality is somewhere to the right of david wolfowicz
  18. you would think the whitewater billing recepts being "discovered" in the white house would be enough. she is incredible. a good read is the Harpers magazine cover story from 2 months ago (i think) entitled: Stop Hillary and Harpers is a pretty liberal magazine. hilliary clinton would stop at nothing to become potus
  19. the clintons are both white trash. both totally amoral. that being said, the article references the national enquirer? wow
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